<p>i posted a similar message in the high scholl life but maybe the majority of you dont visit that thread so...</p>
<p>i thought many of you guys might have attended summer programs or camps in your old days and might have some advice. i'm looking for one for this summer and i need some ideas. i would prefer if the program is in illinois or around illinois and i prefer that they focus on biology or the sciences. if you have had an extrodinary time at some other program plese feel free to comment.</p>
<p>also has anybody done a program where you go abroad to a country for a couple of weeks and live with the family and learn the culture, etc. this will be done in the summer so it is not a a foreign exchange program. i'm particularly intrested in france and i know a couple of programs but i was wondering if any of you had some good experience with ones that you have attended.</p>