<p>I'll admit I get scared easily so I'm wondering, are any colleges notorious for being haunted and have spirits? Yes, this IS a serious question so please don't make fun of me.</p>
<p>Just do a google search for “haunted colleges” and you’ll find a bunch.</p>
<p>UCSD. You can feel all the suicides when you visit the math building.</p>
<p>Gettysburg… the college is definitley haunted, but I still love it there!</p>
<p>Arcadia is supposed to have a ghost in the castle.</p>
<p>I just got accepted to Gettysburg College, and supposedly it is very haunted, so that excites me.</p>
<p>brown and harvard both look old enough in some parts to be haunted…lol</p>
<p>and Georgetown’s decrepit science labs are prbbly haunted too…lol</p>
<p>I found this:</p>
<p>“Harvard University
Thayer Hall is known to be one of the most haunted buildings at the university. Like most of the buildings at Harvard, it was once used as a business, in this case a
mill. It is hard to trace the hauntings back to an event, but a ghost in Victorian clothing is known to walk halls.”</p>
<p>and the exorcist was filmed at Georgetown :-P</p>
[Doc</a> Halloween Presents: Virginia Strange Sightings](<a href=“http://members.tripod.com/dochalloween/StrangeVA.html]Doc”>Doc Halloween Presents: Virginia Strange Sightings)</p>
<p>Several buildings at Fordham are reportedly haunted with some recent “activities.” But I also think that the RA’s and upperclassmen have a hand in some of this. Part of the lore of the university. The thing to remember is nobody ever has stories of someone being snatched by a ghost and never seen again or anything harmful happening to them. Its always just a scary episode and then move on to the next thing. So even if they “exist”, they are harmless and just “checking in” for laughs.</p>
<p>Kenyon College- one of the most haunted schools in the country. </p>
<p>I did a ghost tour there last summer and it scared the bejeezus out of me.</p>
<p>Hahhahah… not making fun of you at all, but I seem to remember a featured post that asked if there were really any topics left that CC posters hadn’t already covered.</p>
<p>Well…there you go.</p>
<p>Agnes Scott is full of old buildings, but the spookiest happening took place in a modernistic 1960s building. At some point in the 60s/70s a young professor decided over spring break to work on some of her own projects, caught her hair in a pottery wheel, and broke her neck. She wasn’t discovered until the students returned.</p>
<p>She was in the basement of the building, and even before I heard the story I thought it was spooky down there. It just felt…unloved and abandoned, probably because the faculty did sort of abandon it after that happened. It was mainly used for storage, extra studio space, and room for the vending machines for building.</p>
<p>I wonder if the Ivys are haunted.</p>
<p>lol @ this thread. Why did I even make this? rofl</p>
<p>Because you yourself is haunted…</p>
<p>Here is a link to a thread about Fordham being haunted <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/fordham-university/250876-haunted.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/fordham-university/250876-haunted.html</a></p>
<p>At Johns Hopkins, former President Ira Remsen is buried in a wall of the building named after him. That may not make the building haunted, but it is kinda creepy when you pass the plaque with his remains behind it.</p>