Have a 3.0 GPA after my first full-time semester.

Hello, all. I am a pre-nursing undergraduate and have a 3.0 GPA (including previous semester grades and credits from another college) after taking my first full-time semester of college. I know it isn’t an awful GPA - I thought I had a lower one than that! - but it isn’t the best, in my opinion. I got an A in Human Services, a B+ (or an A, I am very close and know the content pretty well) in Intro. Biology/Health Emphasis, a C in Psychology (I’ll elaborate on that later… Don’t judge, lol), a B+ in Algebra (WOO!), and a D+ in Intro. Biology Lab (… Not good at all…). If anything, the C I have in Psychology and the D+ in Intro. Biology Lab really hits me. For most, psychology classes are so easy… It would have been for me if I didn’t make a mistake regarding our weekly assignments. I thought I was doing all of them, but apparently, there were some underneath that I never did, and I couldn’t make them up. We even went over it in class and I thought I got it, oops. Plus, with the class I got a D+ in, I was so focused on passing (I started with a 47) that I basically “ditched” psychology, but thought I was still doing well enough to at least get a B+. Not so, her exams were more difficult than I thought. In Intro. Biology Lab, the highest grade was a 71, everyone was struggling, and I wish I had dropped the class without it affecting me, taking it next semester instead.

I believed I’d do pretty well this semester, but didn’t. I failed. I am a bit happy about failing, though, I learned what my obstacles were, but I am not sure how to “fix” them?

  1. I work 20 hours a week as a CNA, full-time schedule on the weekends to pay for food, gas, car insurance, and tuition.
  2. I don’t go out to many social commutes with other college students, not making “bonds” that could help me on my way to my degree.
  3. I didn’t manage my time well, and took advantage of what I thought would be the “easy” classes (just one in this case).
  4. I live an hour away from campus and drive (costs $35 to fill up every 9 days).
  5. I live at home, and am CRAVING independence so badly. Like… Really badly, it makes me wanna cry sometimes.

For #1, I will be working as a PRN, and choosing when I want to work. It’ll just involve more savings. I gotta fix my entire car by this summer, however, in order to do PRN (which will cost me around, hmm… $3000-$3500?).

2 ... I don't know.

3 ... I don't know.

4 I hope to live closer if I am still living at home. We are supposed to be moving somewhere close by summer.

5 Move out... But I know my father will scold me and say that I am making the most stupid decision of my life, saying that "I won't survive" or that I'm a "dumba**". (I'd go with living with roommates, not on my own). I probably won't even be supported after and just cast out entirely. So I guess this one is also an "I don't know" answer?

Your priority right now is your grades. What are you going to do about your intro to Bio Lab grade. Was this a nursing pre- req? Are you even still eligible to be accepted into a nursing class?

I know you need the money from your post but 20 hours is too.much if you are going to excel in pre nursing. Working as a CNA is very valuable as you get a feel of the nursing world but try to cut those hours back if possible. At most colleges it is very competitive to actually get into the nursing program so your grades have to be the priority. See if you can find a room close to campus. People are always leasing out rooms.