Have any of you taken Biol 5B with Dr. Redak?

<p>Hi everyone. I'm currently taking Biol 5B with Redak, and I was just wondering if he curves our final grades or not. He told us that there is no curve at the beginning of the quarter, but I talked to a sophomore that had him last year and she said he curved her grade after submitting it to iLearn. Can anyone else confirm he actually does this? I mean, why would he tells us there is no curve if there is one? Trying to get us to study more? Seems fishy to me.</p>

<p>There most likely will be a curve. It really depends on what the score distribution is right now though. If it’s much worse than a 70 (cumulative), then there probably will be a curve. If not, then it depends on how generous he’s feeling. </p>