Have you guys signed up for the AP exams yet?

<p>Registration opened Thursday. I haven’t done it yet because I’m still not sure which one’s I’m going to take. Money is due March 6.</p>

<p>^You’re lucky. We have to pay full price. Though I guess I’m blessed that we don’t have to pay for IB exams, because I’ll have to take six of those.</p>

<p>My form is due in two weeks and I still haven’t filled it out yet.</p>

<p>NY pays for all of our tests and the school does all the registration. I love urban schools.</p>

<p>oh this is a good reminder, nearly forgot lol</p>

<p>What exactly is the difference between IB and AP? My school doesn’t offer IB, but offers over 20 AP courses.</p>

<p>IB is a more holistic program where to get a full diploma, you need to take IB courses in all the major subjects. The tests are also more subjective, leaning towards essays instead of multiple choice.</p>

<p>There’s a huge thread on here somewhere about AP vs. IB, I don’t remember exactly where it is.</p>

<p>IB is a program consisting of courses in six subjects, which get the same quality points as AP for most schools. With AP you can pick and choose your courses, with IB less so.</p>

<p>As a full diploma candidate I can say IB is a terrible terrible thing.</p>

<p>Ok, well thanks for helping me guys. I wonder why my school doesn’t offer it.</p>

<p>@PShap91: I’m interested to hear why you feel that way. I am a full diploma candidate and I personally feel that the program has been very beneficial.</p>

<p>@early_college: Well not many schools offer it because the IBO requires several years of teacher training and preparation before the school can become certified, which can be quite expensive. A school can’t just decide to start offering it, like AP classes.</p>

<p>TY. I understand now:)</p>

<p>WOW I have to pay $90 for each AP test… T_T I took 3 last year, only taking 1 this year (even though I’m taking 3 APs) tooo much money… <em>SIGH</em></p>

<p>In my school your first AP exam is only $10, and after that you add $86.</p>

<p>Signed up last night. 3 exams at $86 each?!</p>

<p>At my school, the first exam is $10. Then next each is another $86.</p>

<p>$86 x 5 = $430 => Cringing right now.</p>

<p>$95 x 5 = $475 ;adsjfa;lsdjfklsaj</p>

<p>Not yet. School pays for all our exams though.</p>

<p>I’m about to sign up for the exams, but I can’t decide if I should take AP Lang. in addition to AP Lit and if I should take the Spanish. I’m considering not taking those as that would be eight tests and push me over the $600 mark!</p>

<p>Haven’t signed up yet but I will next week. Ours are $86 too. I’ll be taking AP Lit, not really sure how I should study for it though. I’ll probably just go buy a prep book</p>