Having a Rhodes Scholarship on a resume is extremly overrated

<p>You have to be kidding me. Myron Rolle wins a Rhodes scholar with a 3.75 gpa and 1970 SAT (Myron</a> Rolle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, <a href="http://florida.scout.com/2/386023.html)?%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://florida.scout.com/2/386023.html)?&lt;/a> At Florida State?! Florida State has a 42 percent acceptance rate, an average sat score of 1265, and an average act score of 28; Myron was NOT going against top-flight competition. I'm sorry, the fact that Myron was chosen over the millions of other students who are far more intelligent, hardowrking, and academically qualified is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Myron is not even close to being the smartest player in college football today. Look at this list <a href="http://www.ivyleaguesports.com/documents/08CoSIDAAAA(FB).pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ivyleaguesports.com/documents/08CoSIDAAAA(FB).pdf&lt;/a> and you will see that there are many dozens of players who are far more academically qualified than Myron. A notable is James Casey, with a 3.84 GPA at RICE (a school wtih top-flight competition) and has a great chance of being a second-round pick in the NFL draft.</p>

<p>Seriously, the fact that MYron was chosen to e a Rhodes scholar over the millions of acadmeically superior nonathletes and may dozens of academically superior football athletes (not to mention the other highly qualified athletes in NCAA sports other than football) proves that having a Rhodes Scholarship is and should not be very prestigious because the most qualified candidates are not always chosen, and it does not emphasize scholastic achievement nearly enough. I am much more impressed by someone with a 4.0
at Harvard or Caltech than someone with a 3.8 at BYU with a Rhodes Scholarship. GPA measures hard work and ability to accomplish tasks relating to your job; having a 3.9+ GPA (on a 4.0 scale) shows that you are a hard and dilligent worker and should be a much better addition to your resume than a Rhodes Scholarship. Of course, it never hurts to have a Rhodes Scholarship on a resume, but it's just an indication that someone could have great academic credentials and not a guarantee, as the selection of Myron Rolle demonstrates.</p>

<p>Omg Florida State! That is like not even a real school omg, totally not fair. Your not in charge of the Rhodes Scholarship so you have no right to say who is more worthy of the scholarship versus the other.</p>

<p>You (OP) are either extremely bitter or extremely stupid. You are fixated on the notion that the better the college somebody goes to, the more deserving they are and you actually judged somebody based on their SAT score and GPA that is slightly less impressive than you think they need to be “worthy” of a Rhodes scholarship?
Your argument is that you shouldn’t have more respect for somebody who got a Rhodes scholarship because somebody from Florida State got one, and that’s obviously a bad school so he’s obviously a bad student, not to mention he’s a football player and they’re all dumb, right? </p>

<p>A 3.75 GPA and sub-2000 SAT score suddenly disqualifies you from being smart and hard working? I wasn’t aware that Rhodes Scholarships were a numbers-based process like law school admissions, but if you want to use somebody’s GPA and SAT scores to judge their character (yes, Rhodes Scholarships are indeed based on character rather than numbers) more power to you, but you be very successful thinking like that.</p>

<p>Note that Cecil Rhodes required the Rhodes Scholarship Committee’s to consider athletic ability. It is not just about scholarship. It is susposed to collect potential world leaders for education in Great Britian. It was really established to support his dream of re-establishing British hegemony.</p>

<p>From Wikipedia;
Rhodes’ legacy specified four standards by which applicants were to be judged:
literary and scholastic attainments;
energy to use one’s talents to the full, as exemplified by fondness for and success in sports;
truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship;
moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one’s fellow beings. </p>

<p>Scholarship is only 1/4 of the qualifications!</p>

<p>The only things I can think of that are anywhere near or superior to the Rhodes as line items on a resume are; A Nobel Prize(higher honor), A Pulitzer(equivalent) , Olympic Gold Medal(way down the list), Medal of Honor (higher). Whew! Talk about comparing apples to poodles! LOL</p>

<p>Equating a 4.0 grade point average with a Rhodes is just stupid. The money goes with the Rhodes.</p>

<p>I’d much rather have an Olympic medal or a medal of honor than anything I could put on a resume, but you’re right that a Rhodes Scholarship is way up there as far as things that will get you a good job.</p>

<p>As someone who knows several rhodes scholars, I have to agree with some of the OP’s comments (if not the over the top tone) regarding Rolle being a curious choice. I sometimes think the selectors fell for the FSU PR machine. </p>

<p>It is not true, though, that “Scholarship is only 1/4 of the qualifications!”. A better way to look at this is to recognize that scholastic excellence is a given - you will not be competitive without it, but the selectors look for much more.</p>

<p>In Rolle’s case, I suspect they assessed scholastic excellence in context. For example, we all should know that being a Div 1 football star is a full time job, so his GPA while working full time may be rather outstanding.</p>

<p>Who know? I sure don’t.</p>

<p>For the record, Rolle’s not the only D-1 athlete to have received a Rhodes Scholarship this year. UCLA alone had two athletes recevie a scholarship.</p>

good points</p>

<p>Hey guys I think the OP has down syndrome so we should just ease up on him.</p>



<p>Interesting. One (Scott Hugo) was a Rugby player, which is more like a club sport I suspect. The other, Chris Joseph, had a “season ending injury in 2007”.</p>

<p>Hardly the same as Rolle, but UCLA maybe missed the boat in its PR behind these two. All the more to be sad regarding FSU’s efforts to publicize, exploit, and add drama to the selection process. Remember the stories along the lines of “will he make the game?”, the private jet waiting to wisk him and such? Disgusting, in my book.</p>

<p>Louis Fraizer got a 3.8 Biology degree at Wake Forest and is one of two medical students at WFU Medical to be admitted without MCATS.</p>

<p>Seriously shut up elitist</p>

<p>Well, I can’t wait to hear the whining when they find out Florida State has had three Rhodes Scholars in the last few years: [Office</a> of National Fellowships](<a href=“http://onf.fsu.edu/fame/]Office”>http://onf.fsu.edu/fame/)</p>

<p>Please begin.</p>



<p>Chris Joseph was a senior in 2007, so his eligibility was up even though he was still a student. He also requested that UCLA not publicize it until after the scholars were announced. But as you said, an offensive lineman winning wouldn’t get the same traction as a former top recruit and probable 1st round pick.</p>

<p>Why don’t you become a Rhodes Scholar, and then tell us it’s overrated. Please.</p>

<p>Be like Sartre and reject a Nobel Prize. I dare you.</p>

<p>In order to compete at the highest level of college football, it takes an incredible work ethic and a huge time commitment. Myron Rolle did this, and graduated pre-med in 2.5 years! I’m impressed. Rhodes Scholar or not, he is an incredible role model for all athetes</p>

<p>Hmm. Some say Sartre tried to re-accept his Nobel prize. A bad example, maybe?</p>



<p>There is no such thing as graduating pre-med. Pre-med is not a major. It just a set of future requirements some kids try to meet. </p>

<p>It appears his true college major was “exercise science” or kinesthesiology, but I can’t verify that right now.</p>

<p>I am definitely gonna have to concur with yankee boy.</p>

<p>^ I think graduated premed in 2.5 years means that he finished all the prerequisites for med school in 2.5 years (organic chemistry, biochemistry, calc, physics, etc)</p>