Having difficulty selecting one university among the ones in which I have been admitted.

Hi ,
I am an international student from India. I have received offers from univ of Maryland , Purdue univ , UCDavis and New York univ to major in Computer Science. But I am facing a dilemma about which one to choose. Please help me and also comment about internships as in where would I get more internships.

I can’t comment on internships for international students as I don’t have any experience or information on it. US students mainly get internships after Jr year. Some may get them as sophomores if they have moved along pretty well in classwork and/or have good projects and concrete skills.

But I think UMD would be a good choice, the location would be good for looking for internships. They have a good CS dept. I don’t know which college in NY you mean but that would likely be more expensive although looking for internships easier. For Davis I think you should be able to look pretty easily in CA. But many OOSers do too. Really they are all pretty good choices and internships depend on you. You only need one at a time, not many so I don’t really know what you mean about getting more.

As far as Purdue is concerned, almost everyone gets internships after the 2nd year, also the co-ops option in Purdue is pretty good.