The title basically says it all I will be an incoming freshman and bio major/pre health student at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. I love the school and I’ve made friends and already started building a support system (I made sophomore pre med friends who have really been helping me out with everything college related, I’m seriously so excited to be on campus with them again). I’ve been accepted into the Biology Living Learning Community which I love because I get to be surrounded by students studying the same thing and pursuing a similar career path. Recently, though, I’ve been having some doubts. I don’t even really know why, I just keep wondering about what it would be like if I had gone somewhere else. I have also gotten an acceptance from Texas State their honors college (I literally ran around my house for like ten minutes straight screaming of excitement). I was stuck between StMU and TXST, but chose StMU because I loved the small environment and people I met. I can’t stop thinking about what things would be like if I chose Texas State though?? I mean, I got into HONORS; I never once thought that was something I could do. I don’t know, I just feel like I threw an opportunity away
I know that transferring is an option, but I’d rather not since I’d basically have to start all over again with making friends and finding my place. I just needed a place to get my thoughts out. If you have any advice for me, I’d greatly appreciate it!!! Thank you
How has the semester been so far?