<p>I've been trying to write my common app essay for one and a half weeks now, and I'm really having a lot of trouble with it. I choose prompt #1, which reads as follows (for those who don't already know it):</p>
<p>"Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you."</p>
<p>I have absolutely no idea what the word "impact" means in this prompt. I can think of many memorable experiences, but I'm afraid to use any of them because I don't know if they had an "impact" on me. And since I don't know what "impact" means to begin with, I can't search for anything to write about. As you can see, I'm going around in circles, and its just frustrating. </p>
<p>If I know what the correct definition of "impact" is (in the context of the prompt), I'm sure I will be able to find something to discuss in my common app. My question therefore is this: What does an experience (call it X) have to do to me to be something that had an impact? </p>
<p>Does X have to change how I behave? [i.e., After X, I became less shy around others] Does X have to change what I care about, enjoy, or do for fun? [i.e. As a result of X, I became fascinated with subject Y] Does X have to change my view of the world? </p>
<p>I appreciate any and all advice you can give me about what "impact" means (srry for the variables BTW, I just like using them).</p>