Helicopter Dads and Tiger Moms

I was talking to some parents during my kid’s trip to a science fair and it seems that even in high school, they are way too involved in school work, application process, essay writing and project making etc. We haven’t done home work or project prep together after elementary school, thinking that kids need to be more self reliant. We are happy with their ability to work independently but not sure which approach is better.

I’m a high school student, and I personally believe that parents shouldn’t be like a “partner” in a project, by that I mean doing a considerable amount of work. I think the student should be held accountable for the bulk of the project, and the parent should only help if it’s something that the student cannot do themselves ( go to the store to buy something, attach something, drill something) and the student should be responsible for the substance. I also agree it teaches more self reliance

Adding to that, it’s important that everything (well, almost) the student does is self-driven. My parents haven’t forced me into academic or extracurricular things for years, if ever. I’m fairly happy, but a lot of people I know have been forced to join clubs they don’t like or study for hours and hours.

I agree. My friend is super bright and favors humanties and arts over math and science. Her parents are pushing her so hard to a career in STEM though and threating not paying for college if she doesn’t get a physics or math degree. It’s a shame because she is very good in English particularly and her parents would just let her do it, I believe she would do really well.

My parents are very hands off and I really appreciate being able to pursue things because I’m intrested in them, not my parents. They actually tried to talk me out of taking my second math class and AP Physics because they thought it would be to much, but I did it anyways haha.