Hello, Im an international student..chance?

<p>I came to America when i was a freshman and now im senior( of course...)</p>

<p>im male Korean.. and applied to Dartmouth ED.. i know it is really hard for international to get in..</p>

<p>i just wanna have some information..</p>

<p>I took SAT 3 times.. is it not good?
i will write it down..

<p>i showed improvement except one writing test....
and Superscore is 2200....</p>

<p>SAT2s are Math2- 760 . Chem- 760 ( i know this is just so so..)
(I didnt take Korean.. because it would surely be useless..)
GPA: I got all As except when i was tenth grade.. got b+ for English..</p>

<p>so its 4.12/4.3 unweighted.. 4.0 is A and 4.3 is A+ and i got some A+s
unofficial rank is first out my entire school.. including previous 2 years class..
not many people get A+ ..
I remember i took ESL classes untill 10th.. and now i am in AP Lit..
my senior class.. i also take Spanish 3.. and everyhing is APs or college level class..</p>

<p>and Toefl is 103 IBT</p>

<p>I participated in varsity soccer and tennis for all school years...
and i joined fitness...</p>

<p>and activities... i did many things.. clubs/ community works/ internships
like MUN many things that applicant would do.. so i will not narrate..</p>

<p>.. and founded volunteer group that now have 25 members..</p>

<p>i focused my essay on love among family members ( as i live alone in USA since
15year old as boarding student..i dont have any family or relatives here.. im first)</p>

<p>and volunteer work..
worked on.. nationally forbidden area in Korea except for people who are authorized by goverment..</p>

<p>its called leper colony.. its island.. as u guessed leprosy people are isolated and i worked there..</p>


<p>Thank you for helping me..
i just want to mention that my best work , i believe, is essay .. and probably recommendations from teachers... </p>

<p>i did my best. so please give me information.</p>

<p>i never did things like this..^^ im that much nervous.. haha</p>

<p>there are bunch of genious people.. like you guys kk</p>

<p>hope best luck for you and wish me best luck please!!</p>

<p>Thank you !!</p>

<p>hey I’m a Korean international too :D</p>

<p>I think you have a shot…super transcript, good SATs, leper colony (o.o)… and you just started from esl and lived by yourself, thats amazing. And you sound like a nice hardworking guy. But then its Dartmouth and theres plenty of international competition… ive seen even the best applicants get rejected, so keep your fingers crossed. I’ll be applying for RD too, so who knows we might see each other next year. Best of luck!</p>

<p>A surprising number of Korean families ship their young teens over here to try to get them into American universities and colleges, sidestepping the brutally numbers-oriented Korean system in which they doubt their teen will succeed. Some live in group homes and go to local private or public schools. Some live with host families. Some actually go to boarding schools, but since this is the most expensive route many attempt other arrangements. There’s a whole subculture. Chances are that the D admissions people are already familiar with this scenario.</p>

<p>What I don’t see in your description is any particular reason why you want to go to D, other than the fact that it offers FA to internationals.</p>

<p>ok… thank you Consolation. First of all. i came here by my will…i was one of top student in my Korean School. and everyone along with my parents object my will to come here because they know i can succeed in Korea … and i don’t apply for any FA. my GPA in Korea was A (taking 12 subjects for 1 year… but i didnt summited it)… also… so please do not misunderstand that i apply to D for FA ( my boarding school is as much expensive as D… anyway… ) or don assume that i came here because my parents forced me or i had bad grades… and i wanted to write supplement essay for Dartmouth so i can explain why i want to go… but i believe my recommendation writers did it already… hmm… i skip whole bunch of things… sorry to make u misunderstand ^^</p>

<p>by the way. everything u mentioned… why i came, and how family was reacting… and why i want to go D…
why i am quite unique different from other Korean(or international student who has big ambitions)… all things are mentioned… anyway… thank you very much… really thank you guys for helping me out.</p>

<p>^ i am sorry how are you unique again?</p>

<p>oh i mean i talked about it on my Application. haha.
it is really hard to explain. because i talked about it on my essay.</p>

<p>really thank you all.</p>

<p>Well, good luck in any case, forSWAT. I have no idea how your TOEFL score stacks up against D’s expectations, since they only mention the paper version on their site (250 or higher). Your written English would seem to have a ways to go before meeting their standards–I know that the grammatical differences between Korean and English make this very difficult, since certain things are not intuitive–but they do have the intensive freshman writing sequence, so perhaps it would work out for you.</p>

<p>And I applaud your parents for sending you to a real boarding school. Some of the kids who are bounced around on the economy plan have a very hard time emotionally, as well as academically.</p>

<p>Most international students who take the internet TOEFL score about 100 or more, so that aspect of the application is ok.</p>