HELLPPPPPPPPP!!! lowwww gpa good ACT

<p>Im trying to get into either Norfolk state university or Virginia union i have a 1.5 gpa for all four years but thats because my first year i had a 1.0 second year a 1.4 third a 1.5 and senior year a 2.2 but senior year i took 9 classes. But i took the ACT and scored a 23 one of my friends got in with a 2.0 and a 17 on his ACT . I was going to also write on some reasons why my gpa scores are so low.. I was just wondering what are my chances on these HBCUs</p>

<p>You may not get many respondents w/experience with HBCUs here. I’d advise you to speak to the colleges’ admissions advisors directly. Good luck to you</p>