<p>okay, so i'm a junior in hs, and im in the fourth quarter. i've never really taken school seriously, and havent done very well in my hs years. my gpa is around a 2.0, and i do very little outside of school. i have no idea what my options are for college, but i would really like to go. i would also like to try to major in pysc/soc. could you guys help me out? what are my options?</p>
<p>I think the first question you should ask is whether college is right for you. You say that you have a 2.0 GPA and you haven’t even taken school seriously, so I wonder if you should be spending your time in even more school.</p>
<p>Go to a community college. You messed up in high school. Thankfully this nation has community college, which is fine for becoming a psych/soc major.</p>
<p>Community College is a good place to take courses and improve your study habits. Make sure you check that your classes can transfer to a four year campus if thats what you chose to do.</p>
<p>If you take psych/soc then you better plan on grad school. If you don’t think you want grad school then you need a different major.</p>
<p>Why not look into trade school?</p>
<p>With that gpa you might not be college material (sorry). Try putting in some effort senior year to help you decide if you could do college. Comm. College has plenty of remedial classes to help you catch up if you really want to do college. With that GPA I’m going to assume you will need remedial courses. Plenty of kids I know with higher gpa’s had to take at least some remedial work. At our CC you can take the placement tests while you are in HS. They have programs to identify those who will need the extra work. I think that they even have programs you can take at the HS to help you get ready during senior year. I don’t know if other states have these programs. Definitely ask your counselor NOW. I’m sure you can do it if you REALLY want to, but be prepared because it might be tougher than you think.</p>