HELP - AP Chemistry

<p>I have a very big problem concerning the way decimal numbers should be written. In my country, unlike in the US, we write decimals numbers with comma, not with a point, so that 2,67 = 2.67 and 3,165 = 3.165 and so on (note, in particular, that for me 3,195 < 4)...
The problem is that always when I take a test in English I have to remember to use the right system, but, for my first AP (Chemistry) I completely forgot to check my work on the FRQ and so I believe I may have done lots of those mistakes. Do you think it is possible for the teacher who will grade my test to 'understand' the problem and give me at least partial credit, or is my grade completely screwed?
Also, if they do not understand, is it possible to ask for a review and try to explain the situation?</p>

<p>You should call the CollegeBoard and ask.</p>

<p>Please guys…
Has any int’l student ever been on a similar situation??</p>

<p>AP Chem was bloody murder so it probably won’t matter.</p>

<p>^what do you mean??
I thought I did very well on the test and was almost sure to get a 5, until I remembered that stupid mistake…</p>

<p>My guess is that it won’t be a problem (the graders will figure it out eventually), but you should still contact the collegeboard and find out.</p>