Help! Chances at Berkeley, Stanford, Washington University in St. Louis, and UPenn

<p>First generation Chinese-American, public school, 3.97 GPA unweighted.</p>

math- 740
verbal- 700
writing- 630</p>

<p>SAT II:
U.S. History- 750
Math II- don't know yet.</p>

Computer Science
Calculus BC
English Lit
English Lang
U.S. History
World History
U.S. Government

Academic letters, U.S. National History & Govt Award, National Honor Roll, Physics Lab book award, National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Guidon's Finest Student-Athletes, AP scholar</p>

Varsity Tennis: 9-12, co-captain
Freshman Girl's Tennis: 12, Assistant Tennis Coach
Varsity Swim: 11, 4th in region for 100 breast, 3rd for 200 medley relay, qualified for state
Student Council: 10-12
Asian Student Society: 12, co-founder, vice-president
Overlooked Sports Club: 12, co-founder, vice-president
Symphonic Band: 9-12, clarinet section leader
Band Council: 12, treasurer
National Honors Society: 11-12</p>

<p>Community Service:
Junior Tennis Instructor: 200 hours +
Computer Assistant: 50 hours +
Various others: 50 hours +</p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB: Match</p>

<p>I actually live in Arizona. Is it still likely that I get into UCB?</p>


<p>UCB: Slight Reach (out of state)</p>

<p>WUSL and Penn (not Wharton) are fair shots.</p>