Help choosing college for a Poli Sci Guy?!! WHERE SHOULD I BE LOOKING

<p>Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Location: Bergen County, New Jersey</p>

<p>My big passions: Politics and Music.</p>

-I am a high school senior at a tough college preparatory high school outside of New York City.</p>

<p>-I will most likely finish this semester with an approximately 3.47 GPA unweighted. (School doesn't give out weighted average.)</p>

<p>-School does not do class rank, due to its competitive nature.</p>

<p>-I have taken honors or AP History, English, and Spanish for all of high school. Math and Science has been the regular 'college prep' track. I have never had a grade in any class below a B-.</p>


<p>-ACT 29</p>

<p>-I am in the midst of a year long independent project on the political tone of the United States called a 'Focus' project.</p>


<p>-I am the President of the Student Body at a school that takes its student government pretty seriously. I was the VP junior year and the president of my grade Freshman and Sophomore year.</p>

<p>-I am the National/International Affairs editor for the school newspaper and have written extensively on American politics. I also contribute a presidential column.</p>

<p>-I have played the guitar for the last 7 years. I am in the school guitar ensemble, Jazz ensemble, Jazz-Rock band, and play in the pit orchestras for school musicals. I have also performed at gigs at local restaurants and cafes.</p>

<p>-My crowning musical achievement was setting up an afternoon group where students can play totally improvisational music in a pressure-less setting. We discuss techniques behind learning to play and improvise with a group.</p>

<p>-Last summer/fall, I worked at my real passion, politics. I compiled over 120 hours of volunteer work as a registered Intern for the Barack Obama campaign in New Jersey. </p>

<p>-This summer I worked on a victorious City Council campaign in New York City, District 1.</p>

<p>-Tour guide for my school, all 4 years.
-Varsity Cross Country, all 4 years. Won the coaches award, sophomore year.
-For the first time this year, I directed a one act play by Woody Allen for the student directed one acts, wrote one for the student written one acts.
-Play guitar in the pit band of the musical.</p>

<p>I don't know how to phrase it, but while I don't have the top grades, or the best scores, I am considered to be mature and focused beyond my years by teachers, students and administrators. I have been pegged as the natural 'leader' of my school, and I don't know how to express that without someone being a part of our community and meeting me. You guys probably get this a lot, though, that inability to put who you are on paper.</p>

<p>Anyway, my letters of recommendation are going to be top notch and essays will be passionate. </p>


<p>I would consider looking at Michigan. It will be a reach for a 3.5 GPA. They don’t consider 9th grade so if your freshman grades lower your GPA your chances would improve. 29 ACT score is OK but will not overly impress. Your EC, recommendations and essays may help. If they know your high school and think well of it that will help. If you can get in it would a great opportunity for you. Michigan is well known for its poli sci program and is very popular with students from northern New Jersey.</p>

<p>Also consider Syracuse and Rochester</p>

<p>American and George Washington immediately come to mind. Do you need FA?</p>

<p>res ipsa - you mention that Michigan does not look at Freshman grades. Does anyone know any other schools in a similar range as some that have been mentioned that also don’t look at Freshman grades?</p>

<p>In all that you wrote in your 1st post, I didn’t find even one sentence about what you are looking for in a college. Want one in a city or rural area? Large or small? One that enrolls students from across the state/country or from the local area? One where you will live on campus, in the immediate area, or perhaps commute in? One with a strong coop or summer program placing students in slots working for the government Washington or your state Capital? These are just a few questions you have to start asking yourself, or you’re not likely to recognize a good match when you come across it. Truth be told, outside of maybe 150 colleges in strong demand the rest accept many if not most of their applicants. So you actually have thousands of colleges to choose from that are likely to accept you.</p>

<p>I suspect that like many HS students you are focused on prestige; little matters except the US News ranking and your post is fundamentally about “what is the highest ranked school I have a reasonable shot at?” That’s one way to pick a college, but not one I’d suggest. My advice is to step back for a week or two and read a book about college admissions to get an understanding of the process. A good book is “Admission Matters” since it talks about finding a college that’s a fit for you, understanding the financial implications of various schools, what to look for when you visit, etc. Armed with an understanding of how to select a college that’s right for you I think you’ll make a much more informed choice.</p>

<p>I was going to state what the poster mention above, what all are you looking for in a college besides great within your major?
All schools mention so far: Michigan, American, George Washington, Rochester, and Syracuse are all worth to consider. Since you are also a NJ resident, probably would help to consider your in-state school… do you plan to attend graduate school also?</p>

<p>I think any of the schools near Wash DC would be a good choice… American U, Catholic Univ of America, George Wash U.</p>

<p>Georgetown would be too much of a reach…</p>

<p>If you’re going to major in Poly Sci, why not be in the heart of DC?</p>

<p>I seond those who suggest schools in Washington DC. Lots of good internship opportunities, visiting profs who are bigwigs in the field, lots of speakers, etc…UMD is another option that hasn’t been mentioned already-you can take the metro into downtown DC in no time at all.</p>

<p>George Washington, George Mason, American, Claremont McKenna, Tufts, Catholic University, University of Virginia, Fordham.</p>

<p>Wisconsin-Madison a good match. State capital and great links in DC.</p>