<p>I am so confused by all these forms. (basically, I'm confused about all school forms except the adacemic teachers' recommendations. Academic teachers' form is straightforward)</p>
<p>Counsellor reccomendation= (secondary) school report?</p>
<p>I'm an international student, so you'll please have to spell it out for me.</p>
<p>Why are all the subjective questions the sameon different forms, if only the grades differ between mid-year, final report? So school report is the overall?</p>
<p>Councilor recommendation is = secondary school form …but one of the sections on the form ask her to describe you and use an additional sheet if required. My councilor attached an extra sheet which had my reference letter on it.
The subjective forms …meaning your ranks and stufff…they ll change everytime u give an exam …so thts why they are there.</p>
<p>The subjective questions ask your counselor to supply any additional insight during your senior year. For instance, “Johnny received a regional award in underwater basketweaving this month, the only one ever awarded to a Podunk High School student.” Or, “Johnny was a model student and probable valedictorian until last month, when he took up smoking, failed all his classes, and paint-bombed the principal’s car.”</p>
<p>Thanks ira! I get you: there are different forms because each asks for a different exam time’s grade. mid-yr report for mid-yr exam, final report for close-to-graduation exam. So… the school report is the overall of your 12th grade? Or the overall of your 9-12th grade?</p>
<p>Thanks geek_mom, I get you as well: the keep asking the SAME subjective, qualitative questions, because a student couldreally impove/mature/become rebellious in the time between mid-yr report and final report.</p>