Help deciding on senior classes!

So basically I’m a really good student my cumulative gpa is about a 4.3 and unweighted around a 3.9. I do band/Colorguard, orchestra, and the musicals. I volunteer at a nearby hospital and I’m in the schools National Honor Society. I am currently a junior and a recent scheduling conflict has occurred. The classes I’m signed up for include:
AP Bio
AP Calc A.B.
AP English Lit
Honors Anatomy and Physiology
Health/Study Hall
Honors Orchestra
Here’s the problem, I wanted to take AP Spanish literature since I’m fluent but the period it is offered in doesn’t accommodate my schedule. I don’t know if I should take AP Lang with non native Spanish speakers or just drop the class entirely and take a project lead the way course on biomedicine. Would it look bad on my college application that I don’t take a language anymore?

I would post this on the regular college admissions forum as you’ll get more views and responses from knowledgeable posters.

If you have completed level 4 of a Foreign Language then you don’t need more FL.

I hear AP Lang is a really good course and very helpful for college writing.