Help finding a college right for a slacker



<p>No difference between Wisconsin and upstate NY / western MA. None. I don’t know why this belief seems to exist that the upper midwest is some kind of radically colder place. It’s not.</p>

<p>If you say so. Right now, I’m really interested in the Culverhouse College of Commerce</p>

<p>I’d suggest SUNY or Alabama. Bama has 240 NMFs starting this year… it’s a school with a range of students and programs and it is definitely worth a shot. But yes, apply now and dont wait. With rolling admissions, it will get more selective as the class fills up.</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using CC</p>

<p>Alright, I filled out and submitted the app for Alabama and when I meet with my guidance counselor next week I’ll ask for the rest of the stuff I need, e.g. transcript</p>

<p>u of minnesota @ duluth
real slacker type school in some departments …many hippie “professors” in social science…just go and major in one of the easy majors they “teach” play their game do not challenge them and get straight a’s</p>

<p>Not really looking for Social Sciences though. And just because they may be a “slacker school” doesn’t mean they will accept someone with my grades.</p>



<p>The California State University system’s minimum eligibility requirements for non-residents of California are listed here:
[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - Eligibility Index - Nonresidents Residents](<a href=“]CSUMentor”>
[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - Calculate Your Eligibility Index<a href=“minimum%203502%20for%20non-residents%20of%20California”>/url</a></p>

<p>GPA is calculated as described here:
[url=<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU]CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - GPA Calculator](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>Note, however, this applies only to campuses and majors which are not impacted. Most California State University campuses have either campus or major impaction and have higher standards.
[Impaction</a> | Student Academic Support | CSU](<a href=“]Impaction”></p>

<p>Note that the less selective campuses tend to be heavy with commuter students. Also, due to the large number of state universities in California, most of them have relatively “narrow” student bodies in terms of academic ability and motivation.</p>

<p>Ah, so according to that I would need to achive the >2300 on my SAT to beat the Eligibility index line. </p>

<p>How much would my mid-senior year grades impact my choices?</p>

<p>University of Sioux Falls 93% acceptance rate</p>

<p>i live in california and i will be applying to schools that arent to hard to get into like you(i have a 3.0), but use this link for cal states
[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - Calculate Your Eligibility Index](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>

<p>when calculating i got a 3974 for my index</p>

<p>Your GPA is significantly higher than mine. </p>

<p>What are my chances at Baruch (CUNY)? Trying to find in in-state colleges to go with my current choices of UA, the UW system, KU and Nebraska to see if I can save some money.</p>

<p>Baruch is something of a reach. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; Low selection rate and your GPA…</p>

<p>A reach is better than nothing I suppose. My parents are really pressuring me to try and get into Baruch because it’s close and cheap.</p>

<p>The way I read the Baruch info is that 29.5 % had a GPA between 2.5 and 2.99, so I think those odds are pretty good when paired with test scores that are higher than average there. I think that is worth a shot.
Have you seen this document that gives you GPA and test stats for all the NY state schools? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^ Unfortunately the other element weighted very important is class rigor which the OP will not have since he dropped APs due to grades. Good informational summary of the SUNYs.</p>

<p>I took and finished two AP classes though.</p>