<p>Hi, I am currently enrolled at CUNY Baruch college. I have made a whole bunch of mistakes at my pathetic excuse for a high school. My HS offered no honors classes or AP classes. They did not prepare me for college in any way shape or form.</p>
<p>Anyways, enough with the blaming.</p>
<p>I want to pursue a field in business. My college GPA right now is about 3.6. My HS stats stink (including SATS) My HS average was 83/100. SATS: Ready? 480 CR, 480 WRITING, 650 MATH. And I took it twice!</p>
<p>I want to retake the SATs again and get close to a 2000 so I can be looked at as at least a decent student. Do you guys think it's a good idea?</p>
<p>If so, do you guys think I should shell out money for a private tutor? Would it be worth it for a student already in college?</p>