Help French Paper On Paris

<p>I have a research paper to do in for AP French and at least half of it has to be in French. It has to be 15-20 pages long. Anyway, for the paper we have to discuss a particular aspect/time period/thing of Paris. I really want to do something controversal and interesting but I don't really have any ideas. Any advice would greatly be appreciated :)</p>

<p>the Bastille</p>

<p>I was thinking about doing Paris during WWII with the German occupation. Does anyone else have any suggestions????????? I was also thinking about doing something with philosophy but I don't know exactly what.</p>


<p>this should be easy:</p>

<p>Louis XIV (Versailles and Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake") </p>

<p>or, </p>

<p>The Third Reign (Napoleon III)</p>

<p>or, </p>

<p>French-Algerian conflict of the 60s</p>

<p>French revolutions of 1789, 1730, 1848</p>

<p>If you want philosophy, try researching the Paris of Voltaire and Rousseu during the Age of Enlightenment</p>

<p>The student revolt in 1968 or so when students went on strike and occupied buildings at the university of Paris and inspired a countrywide series of strikes and riots that virtually paralyzed France.</p>

<p>catacombs! or something culture related if your paper doesnt have to be uber serious</p>

<p>french- those sissies. come on they lost the war, got occupied by the germans(they surrendered mind you), are not even a major political power, have importance in the world(and the UN) on the basis that they might some day regain napoleon's glory(yea right)they are a bunch of losers and they dont even have the fries going for them anymore</p>

<p>ps. not directed to any french people just the country</p>

<p>Ummm. OK.</p>

<p>The whole French Revolution thing is pretty obvious, but still interesting.</p>

<p>I personally like the whole Vichy France idea, though.</p>