help, i will pay $100

<p>i'm a researcher not attending any university. the colleges have enormous research databases online but they are cut off from the public with no possibility of accessing them. i will pay anyone a 100 per year if they can let me use their number so that i can get on. </p>

<p>if there are any doubts about my honesty then i've published a christian prayer book. please email me at <a href=""></a> if interested.</p>

<p>so you're asking for people's passwords, which can be used to find out that personal's financial aid info, social security, etc at the college.</p>

<p>If you've published a Christian prayer book, you should realize this is both highly unethical and most likely completely illegal.</p>

<p>Really "Kyle"? That's funny cause your own **blog<a href="%5Burl="&gt;/B&lt;/a> says you're a "freelance translator/poet," and I'm thinking it's legitimate since it started around when the books were published. So how's that transition to research working for you? The only "research" I'm betting you've done is taking his listed yahoo password and mimicking it for gmail.</p>

<p>$100/yr? That's way too little. I'll do it if it's $100/day.</p>

<p>For the amount of trouble a student could get into with their school for allowing you access is worth a lot more than a 100 bucks.</p>

<p>hahaha, you're trying to screw some of the smartest college students around? I don't think so</p>