Help! I'm a noob.


<p>I need some help deciding what SAT II subject tests to take. Just a warning, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm currently a junior, and I haven't taken any SAT subject tests yet. I have taken the reasoning test and scored a 2050 (is that good idk), and I think I want to take Math 2, Literature (just for the heck of it), and Biology subject tests.</p>

<li><p>I think for math 2 im good as long as i study out of the barrons a bit. I bought the book of amazon (used) and it has tons of writing in it but w/e any tips are appreciated. </p></li>
<li><p>Is there any point in taking the Lit subject test? Of course I will study for it to get familiar with the test but like, is there any use for it?? (just saying this forum post is not representative of my English skills LOL)</p></li>
<li><p>I am taking NO science classes this year. I had a schedule screw up, my fault, I'm an idiot. But yeah, I haven't taken Bio since freshman year, and I basically remember nothing. I AM taking AP Bio next year as a senior, but of course I will have to take the SAT test before the end of the school year if I want colleges to see it. So my question is, how hard is to self-study for Bio SAT II? E or M? Am I joking my self or what? Could I do it between now and say, October? </p></li>

<p>Thanks. Again, I'm a total noob. I'm probably gonna get accepted to some crappy school anyway. My gpa is like 3.3 uw and my sat score is nothing special.+idk what im gonna get on these subject tests. ugh. help me.</p>

<p>Regarding the Lit SAT II, the point in taking it would be to show colleges that you have an interest and passion for Literature and the written word in general. Excelling on the LIt SAT II is tricky though, since the curve is so tight compared to other Subject Tests: <a href=β€œ”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You should check to see if the schools you plan to apply to even require subject tests. This list of schools that actually requires subject tests is not that long.</p>

<p>You may be better served spending your time on increasing your SAT I score, as a higher SAT score will strengthen your application and could β€˜win’ you some merit awards.</p>