<p>I've been researching school's for S2 for a little while now and for the most part I really like what I've read about Marquette with one BIG exception. There's another web site called Students Review (I know we're not supposed to mention other sites so I hope this gets through). This site has been pretty accurate on other schools I looked at for S1. The reviews it gives Marquette are not good at all. I think the most disturbing and pervasive comments pertain to how stuck-up, cold and snotty the student body is. The student reviewers say it is mostly tied to a wealthy entitled mindset and that if you don't come from money and dress a certain way you will feel like an outcast. Ouch!</p>
<p>My son is a non-catholic from a small town public school. He is 4.0 GPA student who is athletic, good-looking and dresses fine. However he's also shy and comes from a very middle-class family -- not wealthy at all. If the site I'm referring to is correct, Marquette would not work for us. If other sites are more accurate he might just love it.</p>
<p>Help! I'd appreciate any insights on this subject.</p>