HELP! Made UC App Account Too Early

So I decided to make a UC App account today (I know the app for 2020 doesn’t open until August, but I thought I’d make an account now, since you can do that with the Common App). And then I found myself on the application for fall 2019, and it doesn’t look like I can delete this application. They also sent me an email saying that I started the application.
I didn’t fill out any of my info, so its just an empty fall 2019 application sitting in my account.
Will this affect me when I apply in a couple of months for the 2020 school year??

Since the UC application is being redesigned and introduced this August, your application will be deleted/purged.

The new URL for the winter/spring and fall 2020 applications is:

So this won’t be a problem or affect me in any way? Will I be able to fill out a freshman 2020 application using the same account and email address?

You should be able to use the same email address. Not sure since they will have a redesigned website that you can keep the original account. It should not effect you in any way in regards to UC admissions.

@Gumbymom do you know with the redesigned app being introduced in August, will the personal insight questions still be the same?

Yes the PIQ prompts will remain the same.