Help me decide my senior year classes?

<p>Hi guys, I am a high school junior and I am currently in the process of deciding classes for my senior year. The schools I will be applying to are top 20 schools, so I would think that the rigidity of the classes are important. I am also interested in majoring in biology.</p>

<p>Here is the option of classes I am considering taking next year and how difficult I think each class will be for me:</p>

<p>Option 1:
AP Bio- Hardest class in the school, lots of work
Honors World Literature- Medium difficulty
IB History HL- Medium difficulty
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations- Easy
IB Spanish HL- I hate Spanish but easy difficulty</p>

<p>Option 2:
AP Bio
Multivariate Calculus- Second most difficult class in the school, lots of work
Honors World Lit
IB History HL</p>

<p>Option 3:
AP Bio- Hardest class in the school, lots of work
Honors World Literature- Medium difficulty
IB History HL- Medium difficulty
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations- Easy
Neuroscience- Comprehensive neuro course, elective</p>

<p>So which option do you guys think I should pick?</p>

<p>I’m curious as to why you think linear algebra & diff eq would be easy while multivar would be hard. Is it a matter of content or the teachers? I’ve heard that linear algebra and diff eq are more difficult than multivar, although I’ve only taken multivar.</p>

<p>@luisarose Yes, it is because of the teacher. One teacher (LADE) tends to just test the concepts that are taught in class, and the other teacher (Multi) practically just picks the most difficulty applications of a given topic and puts them on the test.</p>

<p>Personally, I loved multivar, and if Calc BC/Calc II was easy for you then multivar will be as well. :)</p>

<p>If not, go with LADE, because there’s certainly nothing wrong with choosing the easier option out of two such impressive classes!</p>

<p>If you’re not going to get college credit for the math classes why would you bother wasting your time? You could be doing something else that would count for something.</p>

<h1>3 is my pick. Elective classes such as neuroscience are great because you get to learn great information without doing a lot of work. Doing a class you hate won’t do you any good, I’ve forgotten 90% of what I learned in french.</h1>

<p>If you are purely trying to impress schools, I would do 1. They will think LA/DQ is just as tough as MVC, usually it is taken after MVC, though you don’t use multivariable stuff in it. Though if it’s easy and you plan on doing a lot of math in college, I’d recommend taking a real class in it once you get there, you don’t want a shaky foundation.</p>

<p>However, since you are interested in bio, I recommend 3. You get to take neuroscience, a class you are interested in (instead of spanish), and the math looks just as impressive as MVC. I don’t know if you’ll ever need MVC or linear algebra for bio stuff, you won’t if you don’t want to.</p>

<p>@bl4ke360 I am already taking Calc BC, so there are no math classes which I could get credit for. Math is also required for my senior year, so I am left between these choices</p>

<p>@aqsewfqq Is a fourth year of a language really that important? I’ve heard the same thing from several of my classmates</p>