Help Me Decide on a Reach (4 options)



<p>You have a blind bias to support Temple no matter the circumstances. You exhibit favoritism instead of rationale unlike the other unbiased people who are in agreement with me; we have no reason to lean in either direction. Not to mention your opinion is basically void considering you provide no information to support any of your claims - insults not included. </p>

<p>So, I think that’s enough said.</p>

<p>is case western really as hard to get into as everyone puts it? they have a 70% acceptance rate, and 82% if you apply early. your SAT CR score is in the 75 percentile of case western accepted applicants. just retake and raise that math score (which is easier than it sounds since they practically use the same type of questions over and over again) and the writing (which may take a bit more practice).
JHU may be out of your reach but if you retake that SAT, i’d say go ahead and apply to case western.</p>

<p>just to back up tinfoyl: our naviance has temple at 3.01 and 1710 sat. not too impressive imo</p>

<p>Thank you once again freightrain. I go to a typical public school that sends a lot of people to Temple, and I know the quality of students that go there. The fact that other people from different schools corroborate with my data and my opinion leads me to believe that I am correct. See, some schools (let us just talk public high schools for now) are considered “better” than others in the eyes of admissions officers for top schools. So, that is why some public schools send more kids to T20 schools than others - better connections and better reputation. Yet, when dealing with state schools like Temple and Penn State, admissions doesn’t vary so much from school to school because they are not as selective and are meant to serve the needs of in-state students who can be found at each and every school. That is why I think you can generalize from our present data set. </p>

<p>In my area at least, this is how colleges are viewed:</p>

<p>Community College –> Bloomsburg/Kutztown/etc. –> West Chester/Temple/etc. –>
Drexel (by a slight margin) –> Penn State University Park</p>

<p>On another note, Case Western is deceptive in terms of admissions, rharan. Since they are a tech school and a research university, they get a highly specialized, self-selective group of individuals applying. I would bet that a lot of people apply there as a safety to the top schools so Case Western has to accept a lot of people because they know a lot won’t enroll, but is a great school having said that.</p>



<p>I can’t believe you actually think I Googled Darington Hobson, and dont know who he is. You know the ESPN college basketball kick off of 24 hours of college basketball? I watch the entire thing every year. It’s actually pretty funny that someone is accusing me of not knowing who he is, considering how much college basketball I watch.</p>



<p>Yes, I have. I went with my brother when he was visiting NU (before electing to attend Wharton). It was pretty lame. Suburbia with bigger buildings, more concrete, and a larger mall. Far different than Chicago itself.</p>



<p>I had zero interest in Pitt since Pittsburgh does not remotely compare to Philly, is significantly further away from home, and doesn’t have my major, but I dont need to justify my decisions for you.</p>

<p>I’m not really sure what your vendetta against my school is about. You probably got your ass kicked at Temple, right?</p>



<p>No one asked you if you’re impressed.</p>

<p>You are really obsessing about Temple basketball. Just because I don’t watch any Temple games doesn’t make me any less of a sports fan. Do you know every undrafted player to come out of college? No, you certainly do not. I named a second round pick which is a big difference from an undrafted college has-been - I mean if you can’t understand that logic then I really pity your general intelligence. Sorry.</p>

<p>Next on the menu: your continued personal insults are petty because you don’t actually illustrate anything that goes against my opinion. Your opinion is insult after insult because you can not substantiate your superfluous words with anything concrete as I have done. Here has been our argument in a nutshell - I say something in great depth and provide facts, figures, and the opinions of others on this forum; you on the other hand, in your delusional anger, only find room for malicious comments that are actually a slight against yourself, “Dionte.”</p>

<p>Fact: Temple University is in a sketchy area that gets increasingly worse when you go off campus. You can’t debate that and say the area is great or fine because IT IS NOT. I would really like for someone else to comment on their impression of the area - it is not a plus in any way, shape, or form. I have friends that go to Temple and many just went for orientation, and they know full well that you need to be on your guard especially towards late evening and into the night. That doesn’t mean Temple security doesn’t do its job, but it is in the middle of some shady neighborhoods where you need to be careful. It’s like the University of Chicago - the campus has terrific security, but the area is not the safest on the South Side, any student will tell you that. Being careful and safe is a necessity. You can’t argue this, but you still try - that is if arguing is you saying the opposite of my opinion and adding an insult to the end. Congratulations on appearing foolish to everyone else. </p>

<p>On the subject of Pitt, have you ever even been there? When I visited Carnegie Mellon, I passed by Pitt all the time, and I was left with an immensely positive image. It was in an incredibly clean, bustling urban area with much to do. For a spread out city campus, I thought it was wonderful. You gave two good reasons for applying to Temple instead of Pitt: distance (probably five and a half hours from Philadelphia) and the lack of a major. That is a justified decision. Yet, there are many far superior schools than Temple if you wanted to go to New York or somewhere else near. I have the impression that you couldn’t get into a better school though so you settled for Temple. There’s Penn, but I doubt you would even have had a shot. Heck, if you liked the city so much, you could have applied to NYU which doesn’t even have a campus and is in the wonderful area of Greenwich Village. Sorry, but it seems like you really chose Temple because you didn’t have much of a choice given your high school performance.</p>



<p>So, on the Northwestern slight, I really don’t think you have any clue what you are talking about. You are digging deep for insults that aren’t there - you are grasping at straws. In your quest to attack me, you are distorting the truth. I think you are confusing the North Shore as a whole with Evanston. I really hope someone who has already spent time as a student at Northwestern will hop in to elaborate better than I can, but I’ll do my best with my time spent there and knowledge of the area. Evanston is classified as a city, and it is a very urban area. As you move outside of the urban center, it does get more suburban. You can take the train which is a 5 min walk from the campus into Chicago which is literally right next to Evanston. Wrigley Field on the North Side is extremely close - something like 15 or 20 minutes. If you are talking about “downtown” Chicago with the Magnificent Mile it is a little further, but don’t say Northwestern is located in the suburbs because it is not. And what is so wrong with the suburbs or rural areas for that matter? Personally, I loved the tranquility of a school like Cornell which with the town of Ithaca combined to form its own community. It was really wonderful. Much better than the urban decay Temple is surrounded by. Do you literally close your eyes when you walk around the area? Maybe you are in denial, maybe both. </p>



<p>I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean. Whatever you are implying makes no sense in regards to me being beat up at Temple. I would have no reason to get into a fight at Temple unless you are implying that I got mugged or something along those lines. If that is the case, thank you for agreeing with me about the shadiness of the area. As to a vendetta, there is none. You are only fabricating one because I am in blatant disagreement with YOU. I am telling the truth along with everyone else that has dissented from your views as a TEMPLE STUDENT. Biased much? I have no bias because I didn’t apply to Temple and neither Penn State nor Pitt. I have done some research on you, and it is in your nature to begin arguments whenever someone mentions something negative about Temple. Grow up, please. </p>

<p>I can say though that I really am not surprised by your ignorance. You ARE a Temple student after all so I wasn’t exactly expecting all too much. You really should enter the field of politics because you are expert at not providing facts, misinterpreting information, and lying. </p>



<p>It is a forum; the man can say whatever he wishes. For that matter, no one here is very impressed by you and your antics. </p>



<p>You are living in your own little bubble in terms of Temple. You are biased to the utmost degree so please just stop ranting and raving. You are practically non-coherent at this point. Enjoy living in your fantasies, amigo.</p>



<p>I actually transferred from Boston University, but I’m sure you’ll conjure up some more denigrating comments.</p>

<p>So Pitt was too far for you but not Boston University? Your comments have become contradictory. That is a great school however, and I generally consider myself a fair person so I apologize for that comment. </p>

<p>But I call a spade a spade, and I find your posts to be very self-righteous. You call me out for a “denigrating comment” as you refer to it; yet, every post you have made has been antagonistic. </p>









<p>You will attack anyone who has a differing opinion, but when others go in great length to provide statistics and logic, you throw them out the window and launch a verbal tirade. Every post you have made has brought nothing new to the table. I don’t play your little games; I come back with detail and reason rather than slandering you. Any reasonable person who has read all of my posts and yours understands where I am coming from. </p>

<p>Oh, here is another fun quote I found when someone from St. Joseph’s University called out your biased rationale for Temple from another thread!</p>



<p>God, you are filled with venom. </p>



<p>All of your claims are completely baseless. Anyone can make baseless claims!</p>



<p>And to sum up your bias:</p>



<p>You have a predilection to support everything Temple and twist the facts to put down other schools. You are a poor representative of your school.</p>

<p>It’s pretty sad that you actually went through my posting history…</p>

<p>Once again, you combat fact with an insult because you are so devoid of any real sense that you resort to hate. Often when overmatched intellectually in an argument, it is quite common for the other person to start a verbal attack on the character of the other - it is typical human psychology. </p>

<p>And it wasn’t real hard to go to the CC search box and type in “diontechristmas” and “Temple” - literally everything came from the first page. It took no time at all to discover that you do this on every thread. I suppose that’s what a Temple education is good for - ignorance and hate. </p>

<p>Pretty please with sugar on top, I want you to bring facts into the figure in your next post. Sound intelligent without lambasting other people - provide data. And pretty please, leave your bias at the door.</p>

<p>Whatever you say…</p>

<p>Finally you have run out of steam and given up. You know that your arguments are faulty, and you have nothing more to say. I thank you for accepting the inevitable about your opinions on Temple.</p>

<p>I’m not even sure what you think my arguments were; I said that Temple was a match for the OP…</p>

<p>Exactly - you really had no arguments only baseless claims.</p>

<p>…Such as?</p>

<p>Hahaha. I have incredibly long posts explaining that already - go look over the last three pages.</p>

<p>I’m good. I’ve wasted enough time arguing with a 17 year old for no reason.</p>

<p>Don’t be so haughty and morally superior. At most, you are three years older than me so to call out one’s age with such a minor difference is immature on YOUR part. The fact that you were resigned to mentioning my age (which is 18 soon to be 19 fyi) shows how pathetic you are - you really have nothing at all left in the intelligence tank do you? You are embarrassing yourself at this point. You never had an argument to begin with - your blindly biased goal was to say that Temple is great in every way, shape, or form. Oh, don’t make me laugh! </p>

<p>Your reason for arguing was to try to prove to the world that Temple was better than Penn State, hard to get into, in a nice area, and other generalized nonsense that was unsubstantiated. You made baseless claims, and turned to vicious insults when you could no longer even make sense to YOURSELF. </p>

<p>You are really leaving this discussion because it is one you can’t win, but at least you know when you have lost - perhaps that could be your redeeming quality you unreasonable barn-owl. </p>



<p>Well, barn-owl, get to it. Have fun living in your delusions. </p>


<p>I’m actually over 4 years older than you, but nonetheless, I’m done being ‘haughty and morally superior’.</p>

<p>4 years older in body but 4 years younger in mind. I’m glad you have seen the error in your ways you silly little barn-owl. </p>
