Help me decide on a school to enroll

<p>I plan on majoring in Political Science so i can go to Law school someday and i've been accepted to a couple of schools for Jan semester.</p>

<p>Boston College
Boston University
University of Delaware
Syracuse University
Miami University-Oxford</p>

<p>Which one should I enroll into? Not too worried about financial aid</p>

<p>Boston College is the highest ranked.</p>

<p>Depends what you’re looking for.</p>

<p>look into your heart</p>

<p>BC no doubt. I don’t know why are you even struggling?? Is it financial reasons?</p>

<p>Really? I would have said BU. But I’m still harboring resentment towards Catholic education, so…</p>

<p>Either Boston College or Syracuse would be the one I would choose personally, but I dunno wherever you want and congratulations!</p>

<p>You should visit BC and BU. I know someone at BC who thinks that the party atmosphere overshadows most academics. Also, there is very low diversity there. BU most likely offers a better “environment” despite its lower rank. Its academics and poly sci departments are still good.</p>

<p>thank you for everyones responses!!!</p>

<p>Syracuse University has an amazing IR department, so I’m sure it’ll have a great Political Science department. I would personally choose BC, BU, or Syracuse. I feel Boston College would give you the most financial aid, though. Syracuse does have a bigger name in International Affairs, though, since its programs have been alive for so long.</p>