Help me decorate this corner on my counter in my dining area

This long counter runs perpendicular to our dining table. I want to keep it virtually empty as I am not one for clutter/stuff, and it is perfect for serving. However, I would like to create some sort of, “vignette” in the corner next to that tall cabinet (which has an appliance garage on the bottom, then a microwave, and then a glass-front cabinet) to make it a bit more interesting.

Please tell me your thoughts (and be specific, double please)! Links to specific items would also be great. Our dining table is glass-top. We live at the beach.

Google Glassy Baby - lovely candle holders and you can get in colors to pull in/and or accent. Clean and pretty. Also I would play around with some height too - i am not creative, but plants to soften/warm it up.


I would get a pretty oblong planter and fill with a couple orchids. It will soften the corner without taking up much space. I bet they would like the light right there - mine do really well in a similar area of my kitchen.


A plant is begging to be placed in that spot. :slight_smile:


You could do a glass tray with some vintage looking barware or pretty glasses. Maybe something like this:>%20Bar%20Tools%20%26%20Accessories&region_id=666920&cm_ite=7272808&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpPqNnqGj9QIVAHFvBB2JEQx6EAQYBCABEgKFBPD_BwE

I have a similar corner in my house with a craftsman inspired cutting board, a fruit bowl and succulent. Don’t think that would work in FL.

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I was thinking about some kind of tall glass sculpture that would bounce the light from the window and ran into this:


If you were to go with candles, I would check out Pottery Barn’s flameless wax candles. The “flame” moves back and forth like a real flame, and especially when in a glass container, looks almost real. You can set them on a timer so they come on at the same time every night and turn off 5 hours later. Battery powered. They are rather pricey, but they are the best quality I’ve purchased, and I’ve purchased several different brands over the years. There may be other brands just as good, I just haven’t personally seen them.

We had company for dinner one night, and we all had to leave in a hurry because we were attending a concert. One of my guests leaned over and tried to blow out the candle. :relaxed:


Maybe a piece of art you can hang on the side of the cabinet. Softens without taking up space on the actual counter top. There are lots of ways to hang art without damaging the cabinet.

Maybe something like this:


What about something like this…with folded or rolled place mats in the bottom, and folded or rolled cloth napkins in the upper levels.


I really like this solution, but would put (bottom to top) oranges, lemons, limes. Or onions, shallots, garlic … whatever you use regularly.

Am also a fan of a non-cluttered kitchen and have to control all the bowls of produce H lays out!


I would put a few cookbooks either along the cabinet edge with a bookend or just a very teeny stack. I am a big Martha Stewart fan and have 3 baking cookbooks (Cookies, Cakes, and Cupcakes) that all have coordinated spines. I hate clutter but they are among my favorites and give a peek at my personality.


That is so lovely! And very beach like as well!

I googled- 3 tiered beach counter fruit holder and lots of cute options came up

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Perhaps some kind of chime? Not sure if we can link this site? If not I’ll give name of item, but this hanging incorporates dining and fishies:

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What kind?

I am so not a good grower of plants.

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Nice idea, but there is a bar with glass shelves to the left of that counter. So, I think that would be redundant.

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I am not sure that 15.5” would be tall enough??? Counter to ceiling is 50”

My first thought is Window style. Modernize the four windows will light up the entire space.

I would consider something like @thumper1 posted but more simple and not so detailed. Put a plant in the top “shelf” - something like a pothos or other easy to care for plant that does well with light. Fruit on one of the shelves is practical if that’s something you usually have.

If you like your countertops clear then I really think you should think about “decorating” with something practical and has a purpose - like a fruit bowl/plant tiered shelf.

To be honest, the other thing that would look great would be a fancy espresso machine!!! :slight_smile:


A large orchid? An anthurium in a decorative pot? Something that would provide a pop of color.

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