Help me decorate this corner on my counter in my dining area

If you have the clearance (32” height) and want a changeable vignette (seashells…?):

Or many places including PB, Etsy, Wayfair have large fork and spoon art (huge metal or wood utensils to mount on wall), but that’s not my style

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Vertical herb garden?


Perhaps a long stained glass wind chime?

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What do you specifically mean, please? Removing the shutters?

I really don’t think I can keep any real plant alive there - lol. Those windows face north. Plus, I stink at plants.


You could get a fake plant from HomeGoods or similar. Or do a hanging one in that corner that would provide interest but keep your counter cleared.

Or a tall vase with with some greens cuttings - or eucalyptus

I’m curious why if you like the counter cleared why you want some type of object there that might have no purpose other than visual??


I don’t know. Maybe I don’t. :woman_shrugging:t2: I had my amaryllis there for awhile during a quick cold spell, and it just seemed to brighten up the corner.

But you are correct, I do like my counters clear.

A tall vase with silk callas? Like this?


Yes, I am thinking, instead of shutters, would it be more airy if you use light-weight fabric shade / zebra shades / Shangri-La shades? (On second thought, I am deleting the example photo as it is a random photo from the Internet…)

I get your reluctance about plants. I have a bowl on a shelf for this reason and it actually gets used with some regularity!

Since you mentioned color, what about something like this.


I was not planning on making that expensive of a change.

There are two additional shutters in the kitchen side (it’s all open) on the other side of the appliance garage/microwave/cabinets.

I really like those, but they are awfully proud of them! $$

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To me, your counter top and trim, while lovely, are quite hotel-ish. My eye was immediately drawn to the area I’ve circled. I think you could put a skinny wall deco on the wall there and a little something on the counter right in the corner. Even a candle. Something to break it up and soften it. Or a tall skinny plant on the counter and a smaller something on the wall.


So funny. I am very much a minimalist. Ds describes our place as, “sterile,” and says it looks like no one lives here - ha ha! “Hotel-ish” is probably a very apt adjective.


Ok, I’ve fixed it for you.

I definitely think it’s this corner and not the other that’s the problem. You could hang a little something on the wooden cupboard on the right.


Or how about this? Put fruit in it and put it on the left, right at the edge. It will serve to section off the counter from the rest of the room.{product_store_id}&device=c&network=g&matchtype=&locationid={loc_phyiscal_ms}&creative=190771808288&targetid=pla-905363990522&campaignid=803390144&adgroupid=42634789398&&affsrcid=AFF0005&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=803390144&creative=190771808288&device=c&matchtype=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxbWm7uKk9QIVEubjBx3o4gz3EAQYBSABEgKUcPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Or what about this one? I might order it for myself! Gift Item Not Available



Here is what is to the left of that counter as well as a broader overview of the space.

Sorry for the poor lighting.

I have nothing in the middle of my dining table either - lol. I had actually considered one of those long, dough bowls for that.

Thanks you for sharing your thoughts! I particularly love your drawing!!


I added another fruit bowl to above post. Looks like shell. And I like your room, lovely! I still think you could put an oblong fruit bowl on your counter.:blush:

I want to know where your junk drawer is. I’m betting it’s not like that of us mere mortals. :grinning: