If you have the clearance (32” height) and want a changeable vignette (seashells…?):
Or many places including PB, Etsy, Wayfair have large fork and spoon art (huge metal or wood utensils to mount on wall), but that’s not my style
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Perhaps a long stained glass wind chime?
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What do you specifically mean, please? Removing the shutters?
I really don’t think I can keep any real plant alive there - lol. Those windows face north. Plus, I stink at plants.
You could get a fake plant from HomeGoods or similar. Or do a hanging one in that corner that would provide interest but keep your counter cleared.
Or a tall vase with with some greens cuttings - or eucalyptus
I’m curious why if you like the counter cleared why you want some type of object there that might have no purpose other than visual??
I don’t know. Maybe I don’t. I had my amaryllis there for awhile during a quick cold spell, and it just seemed to brighten up the corner.
But you are correct, I do like my counters clear.
Yes, I am thinking, instead of shutters, would it be more airy if you use light-weight fabric shade / zebra shades / Shangri-La shades? (On second thought, I am deleting the example photo as it is a random photo from the Internet…)
I get your reluctance about plants. I have a bowl on a shelf for this reason and it actually gets used with some regularity!
Since you mentioned color, what about something like this.
I was not planning on making that expensive of a change.
There are two additional shutters in the kitchen side (it’s all open) on the other side of the appliance garage/microwave/cabinets.
I really like those, but they are awfully proud of them! $$
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To me, your counter top and trim, while lovely, are quite hotel-ish. My eye was immediately drawn to the area I’ve circled. I think you could put a skinny wall deco on the wall there and a little something on the counter right in the corner. Even a candle. Something to break it up and soften it. Or a tall skinny plant on the counter and a smaller something on the wall.
So funny. I am very much a minimalist. Ds describes our place as, “sterile,” and says it looks like no one lives here - ha ha! “Hotel-ish” is probably a very apt adjective.
Ok, I’ve fixed it for you.
I definitely think it’s this corner and not the other that’s the problem. You could hang a little something on the wooden cupboard on the right.
Here is what is to the left of that counter as well as a broader overview of the space.
Sorry for the poor lighting.
I have nothing in the middle of my dining table either - lol. I had actually considered one of those long, dough bowls for that.
Thanks you for sharing your thoughts! I particularly love your drawing!!
I added another fruit bowl to above post. Looks like shell. And I like your room, lovely! I still think you could put an oblong fruit bowl on your counter.
I want to know where your junk drawer is. I’m betting it’s not like that of us mere mortals.