Help me eliminate/add choices?

<p>I'm a white junior from Tennessee and I want to stay in the southeast (TN, NC, SC, VA, AL, GA, KY, and maybe TX, specifically). I have about 20 colleges that I'm looking at, I need to get it down to 5-7 by next fall for the sake of the quality of my applications.</p>

<p>Here are my specs in short:
6 APs, rigorous schedule
2070 SAT (target score is 2200)
lots of ECs, most time-consuming is swimming
National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Boys State, probably going to be NMF
lots of service
Possible majors: Economics, English, Finance
And I might swim</p>

<p>SO here's my list of basically everything I'm considering, no matter how unrealistic (alphabetical)</p>

C of Charleston
Sewanee (U of the South)
Southern Methodist U
Texas Christian U
U of Alabama
U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
U of Richmond
U of Tennessee
U of Texas
U of Virginia
Wake Forest
Washington and Lee
Wheaton (Illinois)
William and Mary

<p>So is there anything that is just completely unrealistic or not worth my time?
And is there anything I forgot that seems to match my interests?</p>

<p>Vanderbilt is a reach with your GPA but if you get that 2200 it might be a smaller reach. The rest of them look very realsitic, you could getin to most of them. UNC will be a reach too. Maybe Belmont?</p>

I tried to have a pretty good balance of reach, matches, and safeties, so Vanderbilt, UNC, and probably UVa, W&M, and Wake would be in that category. I’ve looked at Belmont, but how are the academics? (Besides for music of course.) Forgive me if that was an ignorant comment, haha.</p>

<p>Well Vanderbilt isnt a great % chance for anyone because it only admits liek what 15%? You GPA is a little low but that SAT 2200 could raise your chances. Id still apply you never know. UNC is a match for you in terms of test scores, but it puts alot of empashsis on gpa and ec’s so i think youve def got a shot at most of these schoosl</p>

<p>In addition to Vandy, UNC, UVA, and W&M are all reaches due to the OOS caps.</p>