Help me find schools for my son who wants to go away from home

Son isn’t interested in that part of the country at all. (I think he’s also tapped out from applying to colleges. :))

After flirting with a bunch of far-off schools, our son committed to Nebraska yesterday. Full tuition scholarship as a NMF plus a housing credit. He has an older sibling already there and will be potentially rooming with a friend of his from HS, so at the end of the day he decided to stay closer (in relative terms) to home.

Still don’t have USC or UT-Austin decisions (he didn’t get invited to interview for scholarships at USC and was deferred from UT-Austin) but without full tuition scholarships he wasn’t going to those schools anyway. It would be nice for him to go 9-for-9 in admittances though. :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone still going through this process. Having done it multiple times in a pretty short period, I can attest that it’s a stressful time, but once they find their home very often they thrive!


nebraska is a low population state. small in the number of graduates compared to so many others. not understood, or known nationally really. The school has to cater to ALL the students in the state; it can’t be overly selective. the state doesn’t have too much going on topographically; lots of agriculture.

BUT - the programs, faculty and majors are great. my oldest and his gf are killing it in NYC now - after graduating there, a thorough education, no loans. So many opportunities, and they are making opportunities on their own now. NICE choice - and good luck!!

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Great! My Midwest D’19 had dreams of far away school, but over time decided she didn’t want to be so far from everyone and everything. But no Nebraska- she says too windy…! She now appreciates the ability to come home some weekends, and us to come to her performances, etc. With the money these kids save on tuition and travel, they can go where they want after graduation. (Though for my D, her ideas for living after graduation have been veering closer to home too - ok by me.)

Congrats on being all set!

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Ultimately ended up 7-for-9 in acceptances, as UT-Austin and USC ended up being no’s. A little surprised he didn’t get into at least one of them, but as always, the college process is random and not getting into either of them wasn’t totally shocking either.

So ultimately it ended up being:
Alabama (full ride)
Arizona State (honors college)
Florida State (honors college, NMF package)
Miami (presidential scholarship)
Minnesota (honors college)
Nebraska (full tuition+, committed)
Texas A&M



That’s a great list and you did it right.

Your two rejects were reaches - so I’m not surprised you got turned down. But you certainly were worthy of trying - he’s a great student and certainly had a chance. The 33 a bit low (yes, ridiculous to say) - and USC is down to a low double digit acceptance rate. it’s also an extremely diverse student body - and you are a white male. Well, not sure if he even took the ACT - you said 33 but hasn’t taken. Either way, it likely wouldn’t have mattered.

UT OOS is brutal…so if you were in state, you’d have been in with the top 1%…but as a public, they are there to support the in-state kids. But even they don’t get their major necessarily - those that get in.

I personally hoped my kids got rejected somewhere. That means, their list was right - i.e. they applied to the right level of schools.

Nebraska is getting a great student - and hopefully they hooked your son up financially for all he’s bringing to the table.

Good luck to him. I’m sure it’s where he belongs!!!

Thanks for the update.


Thanks! My son got the Chancellor’s scholarship (full tuition) as a national merit finalist plus a $3K housing credit, so they ended up doing very well by him. Won’t lie, but that was a big factor.

We’d had numerous conversations about the reach schools and he was prepared to not get into any of them, so getting into one (Miami) seemed like a fair result.


Yep - only to be beaten by Bama - I think they get 4 years housing!!

It should be a big factor…you’re saving a boat load over both SC and Texas.

A lot of people act like spending $250K, 300K + is nothing or cost of doing business.

But if you’re spending like $45K or 50K like you will be - well that’s a lot of loot not leaving the nest…and that money can be used for lots of other things

Good for you. Your son will find out - if he wants to stand tall on campus, he can and will.

My D is at #16 of the 17 she admitted to rank wise - yet she’s making a huge impact her first year - started a club to support refugees with 6 faculty behind it and 50+ members and already are participating in fundraising and helping the local refugee agency.

So pedigree matters much less than what they do with the experience.

Best of luck.


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