Help me out for Earlz Admish!

<p>Sup guys!! Can ya rate me for Stanford EA??</p>

<p>I'm a white boy from Maryland</p>

<p>ACT: 34</p>

Biology: 760
World History: 710
Math IIC: 750
Should i even report these scores because I took the ACT? It's a debate for me because the 710 isnt that good, but would it look worse if I didnt report any SAT IIs at all?</p>

US Government (5); Biology (5); Human Geography (5); Psychology (5); Chemistry (5); Environmental Science (5); Calc AB (5); English Lang (5); World History (5)</p>

<p>9 Fives = National AP Scholar!</p>

4.0 unweighted
4.86 weighted
Class Rank: 1 in a class of over 330</p>

I got the Maryland Princeton Book Award and the Maryland Distinguished Scholar Award, am a member of 3 Honors Societies, got 4 student of the month Awards, went to Harvard Model Congress for the past two years, took a Chinese course at a local college for 8 college credits, and went to the National Student Leadership Conference in Medicine and Healthcare at UC Berkeley.</p>

* Founder and President of the Junior Statesmen of America; awarded National Chapter of the Month
* President of Student Advisory Committee
* Vice President of Future Business Leaders of America
* State Officer of Maryland FBLA
* Vice President of Best Buddies
* Vice President of Maryland Technology Honors Society
* President of Cure Club
* Officer on County-Wide Student Council
* Member of NHS
* Supporting role in school play
* I did a lot of community service things, such as volunteering at the Red Cross, the Special Olympics, the Maryland Food Bank, my county's general hospital, and other various things
* I did 2 research internships (1 on stem cells, 1 on transplantology)</p>

<p>My essay will be about me being gay, so it should be kind of meaningful</p>

<p>I'm getting a lot of really good recs:
1 from guidance counselor, of course, who really likes me
1 from another guidance counselor to whom I somehow grew closer than I did to my own gudiance counselor
1 from my biology teacher who LOVES me
1 from my mom, who was my teacher but who has a different last name than me so it won't be obvious that she's my mom
1 from my Calculus and Differential Equations teacher who is a genius from MIT (he was a part of the group that the movie 21 was based on)</p>

<p>Can I get in??</p>

<p>You look good on paper, Oprah, but Stanford's an enigma. A kid here in Cali who was Valedictorian, ASB prez, perfect SATs, etc. at a very well-respected private school was flat out denied EA. Word is they are building a well rounded class (not that the admits themselves are each well rounded) and have enough #1, perfect scoring leaders. </p>

<p>Put your heart in the essays, show how you are a standout and you certainly have a good chance. But pursue other colleges and don't get your heart set on Stanford, 'cause at the end of the day it's a dice roll for almost everyone.</p>

<p>I think you have good chances but don't they ask for your mom's name at some point in the application?</p>

<p>I thought Stanford only wants 4 recs max: 1 GC, 2 from teachers, and one additional rec (non-teacher)?</p>

<p>oh thanks for that information!
I guess I'll have to pick and choose!</p>


<p>there is no direction in your application, I kind of dont see it with you and stanford, although everything else is nice :P</p>

<p>I think you’re spread too thin… president of this and president of that and vice president of the other. Like st. aegis said, I don’t see anything that shows any particular commitment or true passion.</p>

<p>only my opinion though. and i don’t quite see the point of these threads anyway; we’re just as clueless and anxious as you are. it seems like an ego-trip to me. whatever.</p>

<p>i sent stanford 5. one for art supplement. two from teachers. and one from “counselor”.</p>

<p>Whoa! That’s so cool about your calc teacher! haha</p>

<p>“9 Fives = National AP Scholar!”? “Earlz Admish!”? “Can ya rate me…”? “Extracurricularzz”? 5 Rec’s?</p>


<p>you like toys…</p>



<p>wait what is this supposed to mean?</p>

<p>eating food are you the same person as oprah?</p>

<p>wow where did you get that impression?</p>

<p>that is a logical conclusion!!!
but sadly, it is fundamentally untrue.</p>

<p>want to explain what might be so logical?</p>

<p>can’t!! <3
maybe if you were nicer…</p>

<p>Oprah! you’re fine on paper. Put your life into your essay. And the multiple presidencies things worked for me. Just make sure you show how you did absolutely f—ing amazing on paper. 710 is fine for World History.</p>

<p>mercuz, are you an 09 person?</p>

<p>hahhahha we’re not the same person…</p>

<p>though i guess i did lead you astray</p>