<p>1) My high school does NOT have a counsellor. What do I do regarding the application form??</p>
<p>2) I'll be applying ED to Vassar College. I just have too choose if I'm applying ED1 (15 Novemeber) or ED2 (1st Jan). They request the grades of the first semester of 12th Grade. My grades will be available at the end of January. Does that mean I should apply ED 2 and send my grades when I have them? (keep in mind i messed up in some classes previews years and my grades this semester will be all As, so i kinda want them to see them)</p>
<p>Your case is alot similar to mine.</p>
<p>We don’t have a counsler over here so I made the principal of the school take the counsler’s place.</p>
<p>For the second question, I think you should contact admissions . I messed up in Junior year too and Iam getting all A’s this year so yeah , I too want them to see this year’s transcripts. I’m applying ED too , but my transcripts will be ready before the deadline.</p>
<p>thanks allot man. Where are you applying to?</p>
<p>Yes, definitely contact the international admissions officer at Vassar for advice given your situation. Additionally, I would recommend if you have other questions about the process to contact the EducationUSA Advising Center in your country: a searchable list is available at: [EducationUSA</a> - Find an Advising Center](<a href=“http://educationusa.info/centers.php]EducationUSA”>http://educationusa.info/centers.php) Our advisers are part of the U.S. Department of State’s network of educational advising centers designed to help students like yourself who don’t have a guidance/college counselor in their schools.</p>