<p>help i am a junior and i don't know what to choose. my parents have started asking me what colleges i am interested in...</p>
<p>btw i am a girl- i'm Irish i guess. I am actually more Spanish than i am Irish but not that much- so i guess i'm just white lol. oh yeah and i have really good grades, SAT scores etc.</p>
<p>here are some things i'm looking for</p>
<p>-i don't care about location</p>
<p>-i prefer smaller classes (i'm deaf so that is better for me)</p>
<p>-i prefer a college w/ a nice campus and not one like NYU</p>
<p>-it MUST be affordable- i cant afford a $40,000 per year college. i'll prob get a decent amount of $ from scholarships but - the cheaper the better</p>
<p>-as you can see by my username, i love math! so i was thinking about becoming an engineer- maybe mechanical. so schools like olin and cooper union might be good (even though cooper union doesnt have a campus). so basically, i am looking for a good engineering school</p>
<p>-i also have a lot of other interests, like languages such as spanish and latin. so i dont know if i would be happy at a school like cooper union that has hardcore engineering- because i really want to take other classes too</p>
<p>-i REALLY want the college to have a cross country/indoor/outdoor track team. i am not really an expert on the whole system (with Division I, II, III etc.) and i am by no means an excellent runner but i really love it and i love competing... i definitely don't want to drop it. i guess i could always join a running club but i'd rather run for my school. </p>
<p>well thats all i can think of now. not sure if such a college exists, but can you tell me what comes to mind when you guys read this?</p>
<p>some suggestions i've received (that match a few of the items on my list) are</p>
cooper union
suny stony brook
<p>however $$ is a big issue for a lot of them, which sucks. </p>
<p>thanks for your help</p>