Help me pick a laptop for Electrical Engineering!

Hi, I’m wondering what laptop I should get for EE. I’m leaning heavily towards a Macbook Pro 2017 13 inch version with 128 gb. I really value its thin build and slick, clean model. Is MBP a good decision? Or is there any other laptop i should get for EE? If possible, I’d like a laptop thats thin and has a clean model to it, and weighs a little.

Thanks in advance!

Oh also, I plan to minor in Economics as well

The MBP is fine. It depends on what programs you’re going to need to run for engineering.

On the Windows side, the Dell XPS 13 is a good alternative.

I spent a lot of time worrying about the lap top for my daughter who didn’t know which type of engineering she was going into. She just got one that was a little better than a base model. She decided on civil and it’s been fine.

If you ever find there is a program that won’t run on your lap top (she didn’t) the school will have a machine for you.

wow this is old af. I settled on buying a dell xps 13!