Help me pick a Laptop :]

<p>hey guys! so i need help picking a laptop... im thinking HP laptops....
either this one:</p>

<p>HP®</a> Official Store — Buy an HP HDX 16-1370us Entertainment Notebook PC, Titanium (NV032UA#ABA) from HP</p>


<p>HP</a> Official Store — Buy an HP Pavilion dv6 and dv6z series notebook PC from HP</p>

<p>i really dont know much about laptops... any other laptop suggestions would be greatly appreciated... i dont want a MAC...and im in 6th college...i want something that has a bunch of online stuff...the basics ya know...</p>

<p>thanks a bunch</p>

<p>There is probably a ton of information out there, but I’ll start with a few simple pieces of advice:</p>

<li><p>HP is a great brand. If you like the style of their stuff, they tend to have a better reputation than Dell in terms of customer support. </p></li>
<li><p>The bigger the screen ,the heavier the laptop is, so the less portable it is going to be. It is rare to see people carry 17" laptops in class, because they are heavy and drain batteries the fastest (laptop screens account for about 40-50% of their total power use, and the bigger the screen the bigger the power drain). For that reason, if you’re planning to take it to class, I’d stick with a 15.4 or 16" screen, or smaller. </p></li>
<li><p>Either of these will do anything web-based, like Youtube, Hulu, etc. That isn’t a concern, so it shouldn’t factor in. Any new laptop will handle streaming media with ease (with the possible exception of netbooks).</p></li>
<li><p>Applications can get added on to either laptop at the time of purchase or later, or you can go with some of the increasingly great free options out there. You’ll never get a free and legal copy of Microsoft Office (which includes Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, etc.), and any other apps you need should be researched beforehand. Specs-wise, these two laptops, even the base models, will handle anything except gaming and 3D modeling very well. </p></li>

<p>That’s basically it. Bigger screen = shorter battery life, more bulk, etc. They’re obviously better if you’re going to be watching a lot of movies or gaming, so it is definitely a tradeoff.</p>

<p>the first one is significantly better… also i’d avoid the AMD processor, intel processors are better IMO.</p>

<p>when you look for laptops check the DDR Ram and get something that has atleast 3 gbs or higher and also make sure the processor speed is not less than 2.0ghz or else your computer will be slow and all the cool features you want wont work at full speed.</p>

<p>If I were you, I would post your help at</p>

<p>Oh, and I agree with the other posters. The first laptop is significantly better, and you’ll get better information and a lot more feedback on other forums.</p>

<p>All customer support is bad imo. Check out what Sony, Dell, and Levovo has at your price range and check the notebooks out on to see what people say. In general, the latter companies get better reviews than HP.</p>

<p>If you want a decent laptop in the range of 1000-1500 check out [Gaming</a> Laptops - XOTIC PC - Gaming Notebooks - Custom Laptops - Custom Notebooks](<a href=“”> they offer awesome laptop builds and spectacular customer service as well as 3 year warranty. I recommend them since I got mine from their site.</p>

<p>Sager > Dell imo.</p>

<p>Sony is good, but too pricey for what you can get the same at xotic</p>



<p>I disagree. Most is bad, but people on say good things about Dell’s optional support plan. It’s still staffed by Americans.</p>

<p>HP sucks. Dell makes better computers AND their tech support is better.</p>

<p>the most expensive one</p>

<p>haha oh guyss</p>

<p>hmm @troys: thanks for the info
@SdotK: yeah i had an AMD one and it heats ups more than my other Intel one…but not much of s difference…
@C.Wu: Thanks the site is actual pretty useful
@Savethemanatees: ehh i personally just never liked Dells…hmm but if you have a link to a good one post it please :]</p>

<p>OH and does anyone know anything about Lenovos??? are they any good???
heard that UCSD tech staff will work on these laptops for free…</p>

<p>HP or Lenovos?</p>

<p>and no im not gonna get a mac, loookin for a PC…already got an imac desktop thing…at home… ha</p>


<p>how bout this dell laptop? ^^ [Dell</a> Studio XPS 16 Laptop Details](<a href=“Shop: Dell Site Map of All Products, Solutions & Services | Dell USA”>Shop: Dell Site Map of All Products, Solutions & Services | Dell USA)</p>

<p>Levonos are tiers above HPs
I have one for this reason</p>

<p>Lenovo > HP, indeed. As for Dell, I prefer the M1530 to the Studio because it’s not as chunky, but I believe they’re all good. [Dell</a> XPS M1530 Laptop](<a href=“Shop: Dell Site Map of All Products, Solutions & Services | Dell USA”>Shop: Dell Site Map of All Products, Solutions & Services | Dell USA) I have this computer. I love it.</p>

<p>im personally not a fan of Dell’s nor Sony’s. I had a sony vaio laptop and it always got heated up and turned off by itself and eventually it got so hot the motherboard fried</p>

<p>i have a really cheap $300 acer laptop that does what i need it to do. im also an engineering major and it runs all the programs that i need. while others have payed $2000 for their computer, i sit and smile knowing that my computer does everything i need it to do.</p>

<p>The Dell XPS line is really good.</p>

<p>Get a Thinkpad T500, it is on a huge sale right now $610.23 for the basic configuration and with the tax and stuff, it comes out to about $685.56</p>

<p>Send me a PM if you need the passcode for the lenovo contractor website because the normal lenovo website does not have this price. However, I guess you will already know the passcode for [Lenovo</a> - Contractor Purchase Program](<a href=“]Lenovo”></p>

<p>This is just my opinion, HP pavilion notebooks are good too but IMO thinkpad is better</p>

<p>^yeah; if the prices really are that low right now, go for the thinkpads. hella solid machines.</p>

<p>Just ordered my Thinkpad T500 YEEEEEE!
The sale ends on July 15th BTW</p>