Help me verify my decision...

<p>So after research and two plus visits to both universities I have decided to pick Wisconsin- Madison over Michigan. Michigans academics are somewhat better but the Wisconsin campus took that factor away, especially since the Wisconsin academics are almost as good. I'm a big party freak so the fact that Wisconsin party ranking is ranked WAY higher then Michigan's only made me stronger with my decision. However, my grandmother is advising me to go to Michigan even though I seem to find Wisconsin way better... So is my decision to go to Wisconsin wrong? I mean the academics are neck and neck but the Madtown terrace, state street, sandwiched in between the two lakes sold it to me.</p>

<p>Bumpity bumpity, Bump Bump</p>

<p>I don’t know whether this link is for you or grandma: [Five</a> colleges where students study - College, Inc. - The Washington Post](<a href=“]Five”></p>

<p>As for the relative academic strength of the universities, here is one for grandma: [Academic</a> Ranking of World Universities - 2012| Top 500 universities | Shanghai Ranking - 2012 | World University Ranking - 2012](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>I started a reply yesterday and then didn’t post because I thought my message was too harsh. I will stay out of the urianating contest about the academic differences and similarities between Michigan & Wisc.</p>

<p>Certainly, you can have fun @ Wisc. If you’re planning to attend as a “big party freak” I think you’re in for a major reality check. You will need to work your butt off at Wisc. As I said, there will be time for some fun, but my definition of a “big party freak” means you’ll be around for maybe 2 semesters…then looking for your next party school.</p>

<p>If Michigan is closer to home, maybe grandma knows that you’re going to need help.</p>

<p>Wisc is a great school and I love it here. You have to work very very hard to be successful.</p>

<p>As a parent, agreeing with billywesty – my son says he worked harder at UW than ever. He did all the work hard/party hard stuff, lived in big loud freshman dorm, drank more than I know and there were still plenty of weekends when he would stay in and study, write papers etc. He has friends whose dream of going to business school has evaporated because their gpa is below a 3.0 and there is no way they can improve it enough. UW academics are tough, the professors are amazing, but these kids are working, don’t let the stories fool you.</p>

<p>June is probably too late to change your mind for this fall. For the following school year- apply to both and see where you get in. Both can be excellent. YOU are the one who has to study hard before you even consider the party hard bit. Perhaps you will be most motivated at your first choice.</p>

<p>Depending on your priority in life, loukus123. Either school would be fine from academic and party perspective. I have friend’s son attending Michigan and my son is attending UW.</p>

<p>Sure UW is a darn good party school. However, you can choose to party or not. For sure, UW is a tough school to get all A’s, if you are not super smart and/or not working hard. There will be no pot-of-gold, at the end of the rainbow, if you don’t get good scores in school. Unless your parents or grand parents can afford to set you up finacially for the rest of your life.</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know how it goes.</p>