<p>im taking courses over this summer.</p>
<p>i dont really get along with the professor in one of my classes. whenever i talk to her she plain rejects my opinion and labels it as wrong. i researched on her reputation at her former college and many expressed the same opinion about her; basically she doesnt like to argue with students and if they do she puts a bad grade on their assignment in revenge.</p>
<p>since i argued with her once i feel she got really picky about grading my assignments. one of my major assignments came back with a big letter of a C+. in the comment she pointed out really really small points.</p>
<p>tomorrow is gonna be the last day i can drop tis class and get a full refund. do you think i should drop this class and add another one or just bear with it to see how things might change? </p>
<p>thanks for your help</p>