Help me!



<p>Since you are really looking for hmom5’s feedback and not getting it, allow me to speak on her behalf (without her authorization :slight_smile: ). She would probably tell you that it depends on whether you are a legacy, recruited athlete, developmental admit or otherwise hooked in any way. Since you are an Asian female from New York you obviously are not a URM or from a remote rural area. So if you don’t have one of those other hooks, you have a vanishingly low chance of being admitted anywhere. That is what I’ve seen her say on a lot of threads.</p>

<p>Now if you want my opinion, that seems like a fine list you have there, as long as you would be happy to end up at your safeties. You must have looked for less competitive schools and not found any, right? Did you consider Tufts? That is a good school for someone with your interests.</p>

<p>I thought this was going to be about hmom!</p>

my DS3 happened to step into the room as I opened your post. He had also done WTP (top placer), as well as some other things you did. I asked him what your chances are. His response, “A million other kids with the same stats at my school are applying to Yale too.” Ouch! It sure isn’t easy to be so high-level and hear there’s still a lot of competition. Imagine how it must be for the adcoms.</p>

<p>My suggestion: take a look at your list of schools again and see where you’d really, really fit in best. Is it only at these schools, or are there others? My son also picked some top schools, but admits he’d be fine wherever he goes.</p>

<p>hmom5, I hope you’re okay.</p>

<p>Nothing personal meant by not replying! I’m finally back to a normal life after a year of recovering from a skiing accident. I leave my favorite past time–CC–for a week and return to massive PMs which I will answer as time permits. And thanks lima, better than ever!</p>

<p>I can’t see Wellsley not taking you (assuming decent rank) and NU looks like a good bet. After that it becomes about the soft factors as everyone has said.</p>

<p>^WHAT?!! We were expecting answers from the crystal ball given to us in haiku form…</p>

<p>IMO you could easily end up at community college if you don’t add 2 more schools to your list where you are guaranteed to get in. Sure, you will PROBABLY guy into one of those… but what if you don’t?</p>

<p>Would you be happy at Wellesley or SUNY? Some young ladies change their minds about going to an all-female school and there’s a big leap from the SUNYs to the other schools on your list.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if you’re more interested in a LAC or a big university but some schools you may want to consider-- </p>

<p>like Amherst: not safeties: Middlebury, Bowdoin Colby, Davidson,
closer to safeties: Hamilton, Colgate, Kenyon </p>

<p>Universities: NYU, Boston U (not safety: Barnard)</p>

<p>u59, This is a high anxiety period. Just forget about your Early Yale app. It’s done and at this point out of your control. Concentrate instead on the best possible regular decision applications – a well balanced, well thought out list and carefully crafted resumes and essays.</p>

<p>First question, If Amherst is your #1 choice, why wasn’t it your ED choice? Too late now, but it seems contradictory?</p>

<p>Second question, As Post #28 mentions, if Amherst is your #1 choice, why aren’t there more Amherst-like schools on your list? Like Williams, Hamilton, Middlebury, Bowdoin? Wellesey & Dartmouth seem to fit here but Columbia, Northwestern seem to be moving in another direction.</p>

<p>[You seem like a natural for Williams. Civic minded Asian female with high level of athletic involvement.]</p>

<p>Third question, If Amherst is your #1 choice, why don’t you choose less selectives that are more like Amherst? Conn College, Colby, Grinnell, Kenyon. These are not necessarily sure admits for you, but they are likelies.</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know how you do.</p>

<p>Absolutely concur with the other parents that you need to add some match and safer schools that are more Amherst-like. 2collegewego has some great suggestions. What about Swat (nobody’s safety, but a great LAC) and Brandeis (which might be safe for you.) Also, given that you like Columbia and are thinking about a women’s college, Barnard!!! You will have an increased chance of admission, complete access to Columbia, and the advantages of a small LAC. If you like Northwestern, have you considered Tufts or Johns Hopkins or even Georgetown – not safeties but perhaps an easier shot? Obviously, you have the background to fit in and do well at any of the colleges on your list; I just don’t want you in Andison’s position (brilliant kid with great stats but no safeties that he liked a few years ago who ended up having to take a gap year and is now at MIT.)</p>

<p>I’m glad we remember Andison! :wink: Important lesson, that!</p>

<p>u59slf, you haven’t mentioned financial aid or merit money, so I’m assuming you’re either full-pay of low enough income that you’ll get ample need-based aid. If that is NOT correct, and you need money, let us know, because then you should also have financial safeties on your list.</p>

<p>I would add the College of William and Mary for a history major. It won’t be a safety for you because you’re OOS, but I think you would have an excellent chance of getting in.</p>



<p>YES! Nester is correct that this is how we at the Parents Forum help others craft a list of colleges to apply to. Our main purpose is not to assuage your anxiety.</p>

<p>OP mentioned that SUNY Bing. and SUNY Geneseo are on her list. Although these are the more difficult of the SUNY schools to get into, her stats and EC’s make these pretty much her “saftey” schools, as long as she’s willing to go to either. </p>

<p>If women’s colleges are seriously on the table, she could add Mount Holyoke or Bryn Mawr…which tend to be a little easier to get into than Wellesley.</p>

<p>For a high-stats student such as this one, I like to see a list made up of something other than superhigh reaches and one’s state university. There are many excellent colleges between those two poles.</p>



<p>I agree, LNM. Many high stat kids at our local high school only look at the “I can get in there” aspect of their safety schools and don’t consider the “I could be happy there” aspect. When these kids miss out on their reaches, they feel very upset at the prospect of going to the state school.</p>

<p>My D’s HS guidance counselor took one look at her college list and said “You should breeze into all of these schools.” Apparently not all of the college admissions’ offices got the memo. Anyway the GC got fired soon thereafter, and he’s doing private counseling now. I contacted him with the OP (stats, college list, etc) and he responded “She should breeze into all of these schools.”</p>

<p>Out of the Ivies, best shot is Dartmouth. But since you also like Columbia, you have a mental conflict. The only thing that they have in common is athletics.</p>

<p>I have to agree with many of the other parents above that there should be schools on your list that “rank” somewhere between the SUNYs and the upper tier privates that the OP lists. I think it would be very disappointing for this poster to end up at one of the SUNYs if her real aims are the other schools listed. As others have said, there are many other LACs that would offer a smaller, more personal experience (if that is really what is desired) than the top tier schools on the list.</p>

<p>BTW, I didn’t think anyone got into Amherst or Williams either (not just Yale), but maybe that’s just me.</p>

<p>Oh, and I forgot, when I get my crystal ball out of hock, I will consult it. Just have to wait for real estate market to recover…</p>

<p>With all due respect to hmom (who is a wonderful poster with lots of great insight), only the adcoms at these colleges know whether the OP will get in there or not. And unless hmom is making a donation of several million dollars on your behalf, anything hmom says isn’t going to change the course of what will actually be – so there is no need to get so worked up that she is not answering your private messages. (And nothing obligates her to do so. I know I’m tired of getting unsolicited messages from students on these forums asking me to read essays and the like.)</p>

<p>You KNOW you need to add more matches / safeties. You KNOW that there’s a huge step down between the elitest universities in the country and your safeties.</p>