<p>On hot days like today, I always see a myriad these very small balls of air flying around in front of me like a swarm of bees. I don't think they are floaters. Can anyone relate to this, or are my eyes abnormal? My opinion is that they are accelerated air currents due to the hot weather.</p>
<p>I've never had that happen, but perhaps someone else has.</p>
<p>Best thread title ever.</p>
<p>yeah I was definetely not thinking about seeing things in the air when I read this</p>
<p>haha...i was about to tell you stop taking steroids...</p>
<p>Lol, yeah...great title...sure caught my attention. </p>
<p>I think I know what you're talking about though. Like when you see a ray of light or something you see all these things floating in the air...maybe like dust or something. I'm not sure if you can really see that kind of a thing outside....maybe you can. It's the Tyndall effect...or something like that. But it makes sense because during the summer its a lot brighter and you can see things a lot better....including things floating in the air. But if it's floating air...then I have absolutely no clue.</p>
<p>If they are bugs, those are gnats and really annoying, that doesn't happen to me all the time but does during the summer months sometimes. If they are clear, this is just tissue floating around in your eyeball, everyone can see this if they look closely. You cannot focus on them because they move around if you try to look at them.</p>
<p>They might be floaters... visit your optomitrist to be sure... vision is something we all need to cherish</p>
<p>AHHH omg I've seen those! I talked to my friends about it and all I got was a "....." response. It's weird but kindof cool. I go to my optomostrist and my eyes are fine, so I don't know what the deal is.</p>
<p>Wow, your title caught my attention. Thanks for giving me a good laugh, man.</p>
<p>Your eyes are normal.</p>
<p><em>needs to tell dirty mind to calm down when reading topic titles</em></p>
<p>I've had this happen to me a lot. Don't worry about it. I know exactly what you are talking about.</p>
<p>I know what you're talking about, it's happened to me too.</p>
<p>And like everyone else said, nice title. Ha.</p>
<p>Don't worry about it, you're fine. I was in the same situation and I asked my optometrist about it. He said he's totally normal. As long as you don't have streaks of light flashing before your eyes or temporary blind spots, you should be fine. The two aforementioned symptoms are precursors to serious retinal damage.</p>
<p>It happens to me all the time! But it only lasts for a few seconds for me.</p>
<p>I know what the OP is talking about!</p>