Help! Move In Day Question.

Unfortunately, my mom won’t be able to bring me to move in day at my school. I’ll be brought in by a family friend. This must be unusual. Is it necessary to call the school beforehand to notify them that a person other than my mom is bringing me? Who should she talk to about this? If it helps, I do have my advisors contact information. Thanks.

Well, it depends on what school it is because policies may vary. I think you should either check the school website or call them to see if you need to go through a certain process just to be safe.

Note that this happens all the time…a kid might go with local relative/grandparent. Heck, international kids/kids who have to fly in may even arrive solo. I would have your mom call for sure just to give the school the heads up.

Best of luck with your move in. Rest assured it is not yours is not that unusual a case.

Thanks to both of you. My mom talked to my advisor and worked things out with her. I’m just going to move in a day early so my mom can be with me.