Help! Need to buy cool shoes asap

<p>Hey guys, I'm going out with a couple of people, and I realized I have no shoes except running shoes right now. (I recently realized running shoes are not "cool"). Any under $40 shoes you'd recommend? Places like the Finish Line would be nice.</p>

<p>maybe Vans on sale :stuck_out_tongue: – it’s no fail</p>



<p>lol…running shoes.</p>

<p>Yeah, you definitely don’t want to mix up your gym attire with your casual attire. It usually doesn’t look good.</p>

<p>It depends what kind of shoes you want. Finding a pair of Vans for $40 should be no problem (I hate Vans personally, so… elementary/middle school). But if you want casual shoes to wear to clubs and dinners, you will probably need around $80+. Aldo and Benjamin Lovell are good places to find casual shoes.</p>

<p>I like Converse. I have like, six pair. Some people don’t like them because they’re flat and skinny, but I love them and they fit well.</p>

<p>This guy has cool shoes: </p>

<p>[url= <a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/HIP-SHOES”>http://■■■■■■■.com/HIP-SHOES&lt;/a&gt; ]</p>

<p>I don’t know what kind they are though. . .</p>

<p>You might want to try to find Sperry top-siders on sale. I think they’re awesome. yeah, I’m a girl, but guy’s topsiders are almost exactly the same. They might run 50-60 bucks at a discount place, which is quite reasonable for a shoe that is the manifestation of the preppy ideal :stuck_out_tongue: They’re comfy, cool-looking, water resistant, and have the traction of gecko feet. I wear mine on rainy days and laugh at the people in $200 ballet flats meticulously edging their way around puddles. </p>

<p>But don’t let people diss your running shoes… if a bear popped out of nowhere and started chasing you, they’d be the first to die :)</p>

<p>I’ve had the same pair of vans slip ons for 3.5 years. They are starting to get worn down but getting another pair would just be wrong.</p>

<p>kayleealia- I love Converse too. I have 8 pairs. Low top converse are usually ~$40 but I think most high-tops are usually ~$50.</p>

<p>lol @ finishline. $40 is too little a budget to spend on shoes but if you’re into skate shoes then most pac suns have shoes at ridiculous prices, I mean $90 Nike 6.0’s for $25. Anyway as for ordering online I’d say try Zappos, I’ve heard only good things about them and their shipping is awesome. As for my personal opinion for what to wear (tho not good for the feet), I recommend Puma Future Cats, they’re not to informal yet not like running shoes, they’ll sure get you noticed tho. I got mine for $90 and they’re my favorite.
Pics lol: [puma</a> future cat low - Google Image Search](<a href=“puma future cat low - Google Search”>puma future cat low - Google Search)</p>

<p>Btw I’d converse suit chicks and really thin and if I may daresay girly guys, I mean I can’t picture a well built guy wearing converses, same goes for vans. Sperry’s are nice depending on wear you live, I mean in the midwest you’d look like a db wearing boat shoes unless you’re on the lake, imo. Anyway I guess the shoe that’ll look cool on you would depend on your build and what you wear besides them, lol go for no show socks if you haven’t already.</p>

<p>just buy em drinks with the 40 dollars, they won’t care what shoes you’re wearing.</p>

<p>Doc Martens ( I cant afford these, but they’re on my “someday” list (~$80-$200):
[The</a> Official Dr. Martens USA Store - 1460](<a href=“Dr. Martens® US Official: Get 10% Off Your First Order”>Dr. Martens® US Official: Get 10% Off Your First Order)
[Dr</a>. Martens Boots,1460,Doc Martens,Boots,Dr Martins,Docs,Steeltoes,DM Boots,Docs](<a href=“Dr. Martens® US Official: Get 10% Off Your First Order”>Dr. Martens® US Official: Get 10% Off Your First Order)</p>

<p>Double Cloth Converse (I own these, but I had to go to NJ to get them…couldnt get em online at the time)(~$40):
[Converse</a> All Star Black And White Double Upper High-Tops at Westfield Southcenter, Seattle, WA 98188](<a href=“]Converse”></p>

<p>Flannel Shoes ($5… youll probably pay more):
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Shoes are my good luck charm.</p>

<p>Everyone, I think the OP is a guy. Keep that in mind.</p>



<p>Did you by any chance memorize the definition of the word “meticulously” for the SAT?</p>

<p>For reals this time, i recommend PF Flyers.</p>