Help Needed With Multiple BS Questions. Long


<p>I'm a female 9th grader currently attending a public school. I live in Alberta, Canada. I fell completely in love with Groton School when I was in 7th grade. I was ready to apply last year but my family and I moved across the country and It was just not a good time. I am very serious about boarding school this year. My parents have softened up to the idea of me attending boarding school as I am overachieving at my new school, the education quality is behind here compared to where I used to attend school. I am not being challenged but I'm recieving 100%s on almost everything, excluding perhaps one or two sheets, but my work is mediocre. My parents are aware of how devoted I am to attending boarding school, I'm dropping out of a school trip I was extremely excited to attend, plus I've been working towards and achieving personal goals that are difficult to prove I'm actually serious about it.</p>

<p>My main talents in school are languages. I'm in french immersion and can speak and write french fluently. I also recieve very high marks in French class. I am skilled at reading and writing in english. I am an avid reader with a very large vocabulary. I recieved 100% on my english crt in grade 6. I generally recieve mid eighties or better on my midterm and final examinations. I also do fairly well in social studies and science, averaging mid-eighties on report cards. My only weakness in school is math, where I have alot of trouble but I am recieving private tutoring plus other help to raise my math marks.</p>

<p>As per other things, I am a seasoned ice hockey player. I've played for 5 years. I was an all-star player but I was severely injured a few years ago and I'm working hard to get back to my previous playing level. I was team captain and an assistant captain on different teams. I played male, female, all-star with both genders and I played in a private male league. I also started tennis this past summer and I'm improving quickly. I do not play any musical instruments really, I am willing to take up the saxiphone as I've played before but I quit. I do enjoy participating in choir however. I sang in my school's choir for 4 years before I moved. I attend Drama classes and have been on an improvisation team. I also participate in my school's leadership commitee.</p>

<p>In a school, my only preferences are that they be in Canada or The United States, and that they be co-ed. Also, they must have a fa program.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea if I even have a chance at being accepted into a boarding school? I'm definitly applying to Groton, but I'd like to have between 4-7 other schools to apply to as Groton is apparently very picky with it's acceptances. Also, If anyone has any suggestions about how to make myself more desirable to boarding schools, they would be appreciated =]</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who actually read this or replied, your help is appreciated more then you know!</p>

<p>You are in luck! From other hockey related forums I am familiar with, I understand that Groton had a very bad year recruiting and are very short of girl hockey players! I'm not sure if a mid-year transfer could be worked out (you'd need some very quick standardized testing scores) as sometimes the academic record (partial credit at your leaving school might be an issue. However, if they are flexible and you are available, you might be able to play for them at the end of November this year (given an open bed). </p>

<p>I would contact the coach with both your academic and hockey credentials (letters of rec from coaches and a transcript + any test scores) ASAP. </p>

<p>And even if it doesn't work out for this season, they will need a large number of skaters next season.</p>

<p>BTW, it sounds like you have a lot going for you!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance. Last year, for eigth grade, 28 students were accepted out of 300 applicants. There is around a 10% chance of getting in for Groton. It improves only slightly in 9th grade, but it does improve. I am alos appyling for Groton this year for ninth grade.</p>

<p>Hope we both get accepted!</p>

<p>Other good schools are concord academy, phillips exeter, phillips andover, and middlesex school.</p>

<p>Actually, for 28 openings, they accept more than that to allow for the students who will not attend.</p>

<p>I was told there were closer to 100 applicants, from the admissions office. They told me it was their smallest pool of applicants and their smallest class (around 25). It seems likely that the yield for eighth grade would be very high since they only have to account for the applicants who are applying as repeating eighth graders at Groton and regular ninth graders at other schools, or the ones who are choosing between day middle schools and Groton.</p>

<p>Where did you hear 300 from Mickey?</p>

<p>well all i know is that last year, when i applied, and did not get accepted, my dad called the admissions office and asked how many people applied (this was for 8th grade) and they said 300…this was apparently the biggest group of applicants they have had in a while… and they only want to accept the ones that they really like, so although there was openings for 30 8th graders, they only let in 28. i am sure they accept more than that becasue some do not accept the offer, but is around that number… i dont know, maybe the person from the admission office was wrong when they told my dad? hmm…</p>

<p>It’s possible, Mickey, that your father was told the amount of applicants for 9th grade. According to the website, they had 55 new 9th graders. Out of 300 applicants, that would put the enrollment rate at around 20%, which is what boardingschoolreview puts Groton’s acceptance rate as. </p>

<p>Who knows? It’s safe to say that it is five times as likely to be rejected than it is to be admitted. sheeesh!!</p>

<p>haha i know its insane no matter what…</p>