Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

Thank you so much . I need it printed and kept ready when the call comes.

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Please read this comment in the kind tone I wish could come across in writing. I 100% hope that your daughter gets to attend Purdue in the fall. But Summer Start and Early Start are not the same and not interchangeable. I think the glitch they may be referring to is that the system enabled your daughter to accept a spot she wasn’t offered. The e-check issue is simply that the system for the deposit isn’t linked to verify if you accepted a spot that you were offered. The fact that summer was an option was confusing and unfortunately your daughter assuming that she could accept it isn’t the way Purdue works. It would be like if someone was offered Fall admission and accepted Spring or vice versa-they are separate admissions/yield, etc
 They accept you for the term on the acceptance letter. There is a separate process for Fall kids to start in the summer. I think the best argument you have (as stated by others) isn’t a glitch but the fact that your daughter called and was told not to worry. THAT is Purdue’s fault. If the person answering the phone didn’t think to ask your daughter about Early Start vs. Summer Start, how is your daughter supposed to know there is a difference? Maybe if she accepted earlier it would have been caught before the deadline, but that’s not fair to your daughter.


Thank you. I am adding this to the the information that I will keep ready when the call comes.

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Good luck. I hope you know I’m just trying to help you get your daughter her spot in the Fall and give you points to argue.


I would write out your points and stick to them.

  1. Daughter was offered and accepted a summer start. She paid by echeck. All this was done by the deadline. She wants to start in the summer.

  2. If she’s not allowed to start in the summer, as offered, she’s willing to start in the fall.

  3. She not only accepted and paid by the May 1 deadline, she called to confirm and was told to just wait, that she didn’t have to do anything else.

  4. On May 3, she was told sorry, she was not enrolled because of a computer glitch. What happened to the April 29 acceptance and confirmation? What exactly is the computer glitch?

And that’s it. When they start to offer other excuses like She didn’t sign up for the fall and wasn’t supposed to sign up for the summer, do not follow that trail. Stick to “She was offered summer, she picked summer, she wants summer.” If she couldn’t sign up for summer, why was it on her form? Your mistake, fix it.

Do not mention the check didn’t clear until May 3 because that is not an issue. They have not said that she was unenrolled because the deposit wasn’t received. That’s not an issue so don’t make it one. She paid on April 29. Period. No different than if she’d mailed a check on April 15 and they received it on April 29 but didn’t deposit it - the deposit was made timely so don’t make it an issue.

Write it down and stick to the script. Lots of ‘he said’ and ‘I was told’, etc. so write it down and get the exact reasons they are saying they can’t ‘reinstate’.

Also, Purdue is where your daughter wants to go. It is nice to see a familiar face on campus. My daughter went OOS and actually knew 2 kids from Kindergarten, one in her dorm and one in her same sorority. My daughter had dozens of friends within a week, but those early days it was nice to feel ‘not so alone.’


Coming from a family of lawyers, this is not one of those times. The minute you go and hire a lawyer and try to sue a big name school like Purdue, you and your daughter’s name will forever be linked to that lawsuit and in the cloud forever. Any employer searching her name will find that lawsuit on the internet and it’s not something she can take back. You won’t get her a spot for the fall by filing a lawsuit, it will cost you a lot more money than them, if the issue was purely that your daughter clicked the summer term but paid for a different term then unfortunately the fault lies with your daughter. Whether it’s right or wrong of Purdue, that’s a different story. But it’s not illegal or fraud or anything like that which is worthy of suing. It will also only cost you thousands of dollars which it sounds like is not money you really want to be spending.

As I’ve said previously, this is a lesson for all of us and especially our kids in how important it is to read everything before we/they click submit and pay. Also, a note to make sure we/they do it as soon as they know they are committing or have enough advanced notice and not on a weekend or last minute so that all these issues can be avoided.

Also, while I’m not a PR person, this also doesn’t seem all that newsworthy. As many posts as there are on here, there are just no people coming forward to say it’s happened to them. This is essentially an anonymous forum and plenty of people have kids here going to Purdue. It’s also easy to create new handles so no reason for someone not to come forward. LIkewise, there are so many Purdue and other college FB groups and nothing mentioned in any of those, and I’ve asked my friends with kids going to Purdue. This seems like a unique situation and hopefully it will get sorted out, but not a legal issue.

I see they’re offering your daughter summer/fall 22. That is better than no option. I would take it and have her start elsewhere. It may be the best you get at this point, considering it’s a week past the deadline and kids are already getting ready to pick dorms and it’s way past the deadline for picking a roommates and as someone else said, they don’t really have enough housing so that’s something you wouldn’t want to deal with anyway. Purdue admins have been great on their FB page, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re here too. There are other schools that hang out here and are responsive. Just because they haven’t commented don’t assume they’re not reading this. Threatening to sue isn’t going to help her cause.

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Done. I can’t tell you how thankful I am for all the support and helpful advise.

I haven’t sued anyone so far in my life so everything you wrote here has helped me understand the risks. Thank you so much.

she picked summer, paid for summer.

The first thing the Purdue rep is going to ask is: did her acceptance letter extend an offer of admission for Summer Start?


If Purdue admins are here, then I wonder why the college has not been more proactive to resolve this issue. I hope that they follow up and fix the glitch on their website and ensure no other family has to go through this.
I can only state that I have ensured that I state the situation as truthfully as I can. I may have kept some things to ensure I don’t give names of people we have talked to at Purdue to avoid unnecessary negative exposure to anyone.
If Purdue admins are here, they need to speak up openly. They owe it to their university’s reputation to get this resolved.


So is the issue that she picked and paid for summer but it wasn’t the right summer (ie she was offered a choice she shouldn’t have been, like the remedial start)? What exactly is the glitch- did it delete that she accepted her spot and paid altogether? I read in another response that the site directs them to pay for fall and then later add summer, so I’m confused why summer is an initial option at all. This is one of the most confusing situations I’ve read about on this site.

Sorry if I misunderstood this aspect.

Can she not then attend the summer session she picked and paid for?

Although on TV and in movies lawyers are always battling cases out in the courtroom, in fact most lawyers are negotiating to see if there can be an amicable early resolution and most civil cases are never tried. Frankly it seems like the OP could benefit from some advice from a skilled Indiana attorney and that advice may or may not be that she does not have a cognizable claim.


I went back and read the letter, it does not talk about summer start.
I checked Purdue’s FAQ on Summer start and this is what it says -

Who can be in Summer Start?

Students receive an invitation to start during summer as part of the admissions process. Students who are admitted for Fall 2021 may opt to participate in a similar program called Early Start. If you have questions, please contact us at

Ok, so was she admitted to summer start or was she trying to do early start? It seems early start is the one they go back and add after accepting for fall. But if she wasn’t offered summer start why in the world was it even an option to pick? What a convoluted system they have.

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Unfortunately, I can’t see the section of website where she accepted so it is tough to figure out myself.

Did she fill out the separate form for Early Start?

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It’s a really confusing site setup. Accepted students see all available term options in the list, not just the term they were accepted to. The admissions site page does say that you need to make sure to select the term mentioned in your acceptance letter when accepting/depositing (so they are placing responsibility on the student).

If the wrong term (i.e., not the one named in your acceptance letter) is chosen and paid for, the acceptance isn’t registered properly.


Don’t assume anyone from Purdue is here. If they were they would of pmd you. Also don’t take my comments harshly. They are not meant that way and I only wish the best for your family. But a glitch doesn’t effect just one person. This would be all over Purdue and other social media. It’s not. A human mistake will affect 1 person. If it was a “bug”, “glitch” or whatever term out of 8,000 accepted (not sure the real number), at the very least several hundred to close to a thousand would be effected. Not my profession but I have done software beta testing for medical software companies such as Nuance. Trust me, one small thing goes wrong and they will hear about it especially in the forums.

Saying that, they gave you some options. Many kids do take a gap year and start anew
 Maybe that’s your best option here? Maybe she can find some work close to her field this year. Maybe Purdue can help set her up with an Alumni for research or something.

I would try to work “with” them then against them. I know my view is not popular here. But your options are limited. If you talk to the head provost or whomever fall kids do drop out early. Let them know she will take that spot but if they are over enrolled then that won’t matter plus she will have to figure out living arrangements.

If this problem happened to several hundred people then you would have a case. To only one
 Then no. You being a software programmer, I would expect you to understand this. Again, I really hope everything works out great for your daughter. Sometimes opportunities are staring us right in the face but we don’t see them. Make this an opportunity for your daughter. This will be just one set back of many in her lifetime.

Good Luck.