Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

They called and said “Did you check her portal? She has been reinstated.” I said I did not know that. The individual was very polite and nice, she offered to walk me through it. My D opened the portal, confirmed that she can see that she has been reinstated.
The individual further offered to help if there is any need. Asked D to regularly start checking her Purdue email.

I did not ask for any explanations about what caused it. I simply thanked for the help.


So will she start in summer or in fall? I know originally she had wanted summer session.

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What an ordeal! I’m so glad they finally decided to do the right thing.

Every college applicant should see a condensed version of this story. How many of them would make the follow-up phone calls and save the screenshots, as your daughter did? Good for her and thank goodness she was as proactive and organized as she was. Kudos to both of you for persisting and getting this fixed. You must have aged years in the past two weeks.


Congrats on successfully advocating for your daughter! I have followed every post on this thread. I am so glad that Purdue made this right, since they admitted earlier that there was fault on their end of things. In my view, it seemed to be petty logistics and should have been made right from the start when this was brought to their attention. But it pays to go up the chain.

I’m a parent and so I feel for you. I am also a college counselor and Purdue should realize there are plenty of people reading this thread. I have had students apply and get accepted to Purdue but this story gave me some pause. Glad it ended positively and that you returned to share it all here.


She will start in fall.


A lot. To be truthful, I am a bit scared what if I am in a dream.


So glad this worked out for your daughter!

@soozievt I am not sure why this one thread would give you pause about recommending Purdue? This may be an uncommon occurrence that all started with incorrectly not choosing the semester for payment that was in the acceptance letter. Honest mistake but we never heard from Purdue and Purdue has now reinstated this student , which is wonderful .

Wishing your daughter a great experience at Purdue. Glad she can be with the friends she wanted to be with and can now start making plans for her time at Purdue!


i’m actually crying i’m so happy for you! Way to go Mama!!!


@sevmom I doubt I would have stopped recommending Purdue over this one incident! Just saying that the way they handled it initially gave me pause. I just think they should know that many people may read this thread and so I am glad they made it right.

All my students accepted to Purdue have never chosen to attend, but I certainly recommend this college. If I ever have a student choose to enroll, I’ll be sure that they are super careful on the enrollment step!


Thank you! I am counting my blessings. It is the prayers of friends like you that has helped my D.


So glad to hear…I have been following along as well. Glad to hear it has a happy ending. Wishing your daughter all the best and you an easier time with everything else to come!


Anything else from here should be smooth sailing in comparison. Well done!

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Take a moment for a deep sigh, and then move on. Don’t think of it as anything but a rough start that worked out and don’t blame anyone.

Now do the housing forms and schedule orientation.


My faith in humanity has been restored.


One good thing is that once your daughter steps foot onto campus as a freshman you will never have anything further to do with the admissions department.


I am glad they did the right thing here. Hope your daughter has a great time there!


Congratulations! So happy that your persistence paid off!


This is so awesome! I just read through the post and felt super annoyed but glad everything worked out in the end. Congratulations and good luck to your daughter!!!

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This is bad software design. Why did Purdue website offer invalid choices and allow the user to pick incorrect choice? The software could easily have detected the user error. Purdue is a top engineering school and they don’t know how to design a website?

Do not blame OP’s daughter. She was very careful and thought very hard for several days before deciding that she wants to start in the summer. It is Purdue’s fault that their software offered invalid choices. It doesn’t matter that they inserted fine print somewhere else that instructed the user to pick the right option, when really what they should have done is not not offer invalid choices in the first place.

This is sheer incompetence on the part of the people who designed the web site. Maybe they should be sent back to engineering school to take refresher courses.

Bad software design almost cost OP’s daughter a year. This reminds me of the time bad UI design cost Citibank half a Billion dollars. Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design. Yeah, bad software design is a thing. When that happens the people who designed it should take responsibility.


SO happy to hear this! So glad for your daughter that they did the right thing.

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