Help on McDonough Essay

<p>Prompt: Briefly describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying business.</p>

<p>I have been working on the essay specific to McDonough applicants and I was wondering: </p>

<p>Should I just discuss what led me to pursue business, in general? </p>

<p>Or should I incorporate why I want to pursue business specifically at McDonough and why I'm a good fit, while talking about specific programs and professors (like most other "Why X University?" prompts)?</p>

<p>the question is strictly on why you have chosen business. This is your chance to enumerate literature, job experiences and any other business-oriented experiences you had. Maybe a competition in school or class even (although those are laughable in my school).</p>

<p>Thanks. Any other thoughts or comments would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I know the question only asks about why you want to pursue business, but in my essay I personally felt I should also talk a little bit about why Georgetown was right for me. The primary focus of my essay was how my experiences and interests influenced me to study business, but I mentioned how those criteria related to the programs I wanted to study at Georgetown. I wouldn’t go into details about professors and I would try to keep the focus of the essay on your experiences, but I think it doesn’t hurt to say why Georgetown suits you.</p>