Help on SAT

<p>I need help!</p>

<p>I am trying to raise my score on my SAT, and I need help on the grammar and vocab parts...badly.</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any fun interactive ways to study this?</p>


<p>Are you on the right forum? I’m assuming you’re asking about the SAT 2 in Spanish? You might want to try the SAT Subject Test Prep forum.</p>

<p>^ No I am on the right forum. I am asking for ways to study for the SAT reasoning from kids who have already taken it, in the Latino forum. The SAT Prep place isn’t very helpful.</p>

<p>I guess I would disagree about the SAT Prep forum not being helpful, both of my kids (and many others on CC) used the xiggi method and had great results. The reason I advised you to go there is because that forum is dedicated to your question and because they get a much higher volume of traffic than here.</p>

<p>Sorry, nothing fun and interactive, my kids used flash cards for vocab and the Maximum SAT book for grammar rules.</p>


<p>What grade are you in? What was your first score? Is English your second language? I confess my son did little else besides take some practice tests. He got a 67 on the PSAT in October but got a 790 on the CR section in December. He’s done the SAT enough (took it twice before high school and once in high school) to become familiar with it. </p>

<p>I would encourage you to get a really good SAT prep book and really try to understand what they are trying to teach you about grammar. Vocab’s a little harder. Do you read a lot? Good readers generally do better on vocab. You could take the word of the day by college board. You could borrow a book on SAT vocab from the library. Flash cards sound like a good idea if you have time and dedication.</p>

<p>For grammar, I suggest reading Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style.” The “elementary rules of usage” and “words and expressions commonly misused” sections are really helpful for doing well on the SAT writing section. Having read that book for my freshman honors English class, I was was able to do fairly well on the SAT writing section (710- no multiple choice incorrect but 8 essay yikes) without any studying. </p>

<p>I also heard Silverturtle’s grammar guide is really helpful. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And I agree that flashcards are really helpful for the vocabulary parts of the critical reading section. The way I see it, the vocab sentence completion is the only part of the critical reading section that you can easily improve; I’m terrible when it comes to passage-based questions, but I’m good at the sentence completion portion of CR because of how much I’ve studied commonly tested SAT words.</p>