<p>Im planning on applying to SCAD the Savannah campus, CCAD, and SAIC. However im really confused on the 'rules' of making a portfolio. ive first heard to use all your best photos, center around a theme, then to have diversity and not center on a theme, then i heard that you should include drawings? </p>
<p>Could anyone look over my portfolio that i have now and help/ critique it? and whether i have a chance in getting into the schools? Most of mine are conceptual.
Sorry for all the questions! Thank you so much :)</p>
<p><a href="http://zoeheller.carbonmade.com/%5B/url%5D">http://zoeheller.carbonmade.com/</a></p>
<p>These are great photos. Why not extend your list . . . focus on schools that are really known for photography and visiting photographers. I think you should definitely add to that list. Maybe RISD (although not known for grants), some NY schools. Maybe someone else out there has some idea of where the best places for photography (and computer imagery also) are? But look around some more. Your photos are excellent. </p>
<p>As far as portfolio advice, will you be able to attend a portfolio day? Ask the individual schools what they are looking for and you can submit different images/portfolios for different schools if some are looking for a theme approach and some aren’t.</p>
<p>I second artsmarts. Your photos are great! I will say though that if you have any drawings or paintings or 3D work take them with you to NPD. Or make some and take them with you. Schools like CCAD have a foundation year where you will be plunged into different disciplines. Getting some drawing or painting or some 3D work done beforehand could help next year. And if you have some other work that is equally as strong it will really make you stand out. If you have some stuff, take it with you to NPD and get some advice. They’ll tell you where to go from there.</p>
<p>Thank you both!! This helped a lot!
artsmart- I would, but i cant afford most of the schools know for photography both SCAD and SAIC are a huge reach, even CCAD is going to be hard, i would only be able to go to them if i get enough scholarship money. i also dont think i have the grades to get in RISD since i heard you have to have pretty amazing grades. (ill have around a 3.5 at the end of senior year). but ill take your advice and look into other schools, theres no harm in trying right?!!
And yes im going to go to NPD, ive heard that SAIC is big on conceptual work so thats why im going to apply there hahaha. im going to be depending on scholarship money.</p>
<p>Bowman- Im actually taking the CCAD pre college course i like 5 days hahaha so hopefully ill get some drawings from that! I just didnt knoww if i should since im not that great at anything else
but ill try to come up with something and show the reps at NPD :)</p>
<p>I think you should focus on putting together a really strong portfolio and apply everywhere YOU want to go. Especially the schools that you think are strong in photography. See what they offer you, you might be surprised but if it’s not enough nothing lost. I don’t think you have to worry about getting into the schools you named. But watch out for hidden costs. They’ll offer you what seems like a substantial amount of money but look at it carefully. You might end up spending what a really really substantial and strong photography school would cost anyway. </p>
<p>RISD is not big on grants from what I hear but I really have to step in here as a parent and say I think it’s a shame that a kid with a 3.5 GPA feels like it’s not a high GPA. I really feel for you guys with all this intense competition. But at the risk of getting your hopes up but as someone with some background, your photos are maybe better than you realize. How about Cooper Union. Definitely go see them at Portfolio Day. Their application process is a bit grueling but you’d be in NY, great for a photographer. I’m not sure where they are with their funding but in the past if you get in it’s free except for the housing. And it’s has a fantastic reputation. Maybe someone more in the know about photography would have some other school suggestions for you.</p>
<p>But don’t limit yourself during the application process. You never know what someone might offer you. Let them decide what they want to give you and then you see if you can afford it or not.</p>
<p>I could not agree more. Don’t limit yourself. Just try. You never know what you could do until you try and it doesn’t hurt. And if you get something big somewhere you have decided not to go, use it to convince the school you want to give you more money. And as artsmarts said, a 3.5 is not a terrible gpa. And your photos are good. </p>
<p>And great job on going to CCAD Pre-College. I have only heard good things about that program. I’m sure you’ll make some good stuff. Just remember that this is the time to challenge yourself. Take your assignments seriously and step out of your box. That is only way to grow. I’m sure you’ll finish with a lovely portfolio. :)</p>
<p>This has definitely calmed my nerves about my portfolio and the ‘applying to college’ thing in general. </p>
<p>Im really hoping to get scholarships hahaha and i have heard of cooper union!! free tuition is pretty nice sounding, ive just never really considered it! You sound like my dad about the GPA thing i understand where your coming from, being able to stand out is everything though and with a 3.5 it doesnt really help me thats for sure
so im hoping if i make up a strong portfolio it will make up for that! hahaha</p>
<p>i have too! i live right outside of columbus so i figured it was the perfect program instead of the ones at MICA or SCAD. but yea im SOOO excited about CCAD, im kinda in love with the school, (despite what my parents say) :P. and im definitely going to put my whole heart into my projects there, there will be no wasting time what so ever.</p>
<p>Thank you again so much for your guys help!! i think ill apply to more schools im interested in</p>
<p>Hi sistersister, Great portfolio! I agree with all the advice you’ve been given, so I won’t repeat any here. Just want to add that many schools will tell you exactly what makes a good portfolio right on their website. Usually if you follow the “Admissions” link you will find portfolio advice, which might help you create or put together your submissions for each school. Hopefully they will overlap almost completely! If you look up this info now it might help you with your early applications, as NPD doesn’t start until the fall. Definitely attend NPD day, though! Also, you can search this forum for NPD advice from past years, everything from how to prepare to what to wear. Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>Go to the Cooper Website and take a look. Also search it here, there’s always a lot of discussion about it. Talk to them at NPD. I think it would be an interesting option for you. And it’s basically the same thing as getting a $30,000 or more scholarship. Read about their history, it’s fascinating. Hard to get into but if you did a good home test your work is certainly up to par for Cooper. Graduates include a cross-section of well-known and recognized architects and artists. And it’s in NYC, great place for an aspiring photog.
Just don’t limit yourself, your work is strong.</p>
<p>My D goes to MCAD as an illustration major and LOVED your photography.</p>
<p>Colcon- i will do that!! thank you!
artsmarts- thank you so much! that means a lot!! yeah and what ive read it looks like a pretty nice deal. NYC seems a little scary though considering im from a small town in the country hahaha
Redbug119- well thank you so much!!</p>
<p>also i was wondering, im having a hard time find the deadlines for applications for some of the schools websites. is it just too early or should i call the school themselves and ask? thanks!!</p>
<p>Might be an issue with the different school’s web sites, some are very hard to navigate through. Just call them, don’t be worried about calling any of these schools directly for information. If you have any questions it’s the most direct and accurate way to get information. You don’t need to give them your name, it won’t reflect on you in any way and in fact might open a door or two to people in admissions if you hit it off over the phone. And it’s great practice for cold calling when you’re out and looking for work or jobs.</p>