<p>Is a 1.9gz on a8 good? Should it be faster than 2.7 on a6 or 2.5 on i3? Help. I want to get a 17.3 in hp laptop w 1.9gz on a8 but not sure if it will be fast enough for college</p>
<p>You need to apply words to what you’re saying. I’m assuming you’re talking about AMD for a? Not to mention there are 4 generations of intel.</p>
<p>Let make this simple:
If you’re buying a newer windows 7 or Windows 8, then it should be fast enough for college regardless of processor brands.
I do know that 2.5 gz AMD is less powerful than 2.5 gz Intel.</p>
<p>The ghz isn’t really telling of how fast a processor is.</p>
<p>It would be an amd a8 1.9ghz</p>
<p>What does your college recommend?</p>
<p>What do you plan to do with your computer. What major? </p>
<p>Currently, the latest Intel processors(Haskell) are leading in both speed and efficiency in power consumption/heat/battery life compared with their AMD counterparts.</p>
<p>Unless there’s a substantial discount on the AMD notebook compared with a comparably equipped intel notebook of the same given brand, similar models/specs, etc…I’d go intel if I was currently in the market for a new retail notebook. </p>
<p>I’d also wait a year as the Intel Haskell chipset has only recently been started to rolled out in actual computer products. The longer you wait, the better off you’ll be not only better off from subsequent technology improvements/discounting of older processor equipped computers, but also a chance for the first generation of the Intel Haskells to work out any first generation “bugs”.</p>
<p>Also, there’s the possibility AMD will introduce a viable contender to compete with the Intel Haskell line of processors/chipsets.</p>
<p>Processing speed is relevant to only a small group of people. </p>
<p>If you’re just looking to do note-taking, word processing, internet, videos, file sharing, small time gaming, an i3 (3rd/2nd gen) will satisfy your needs just fine.</p>
<p>The AMD A8 at 1.9GHz should be a bit faster than the i3. An i3 is like AMD A6 and the i3 has far worse graphics performance. If you need a bit more graphics, go for the A8, if you need more CPU, still go for the A8, or if you can afford it, get a Core i5 which is leagues ahead and is only matched by the A10.</p>